Infantilising Parents

What we need is less government.

Parents are being urged to ditch mobile phones and iPads before going to bed to set an example for their children, a government adviser warns.

They should turn their phones off before going to bed, leave technology out of the bedroom and restrict internet access at home.

Ian Bauckham, who advises ministers on reforms to sex and relationships education, told the Daily Telegraph that parents should be stricter with children on the use of technology.

Rilly? How about Ian Bauckham keeps his nose out of other people’s business? Lets parents get on with parenting as they see fit. He can then free up his time to do something useful – like sweeping the streets.

The former headteacher said all computers should be switched off ‘at least two hours before bedtime’.

Nanny knows best, eh?

He also said internet access, particularly on mobile phones, should not be allowed in bedrooms, and that all mobile phones should be left on the kitchen table when families go to bed.

Never mind if you are on-call. Mr Bauckham has dictated and the phone must stay on the kitchen table. What people do in their own homes is none of his concern. It is deeply worrying that this is even a matter for discussion in government circles. What is also deeply worrying is that my tax money is being pissed up the wall paying for this twunt.

Mr Bauckham advised parents to lead by example and get involved with their children’s use of technology.

He said they should ‘allow a period where phones and computers can be used, but strictly demarcate that in the family routine’.

That’s a matter for parents, not the government.

Mr Bauckham also said schools should engage with parents to promote more responsible use of technology.

No. Schools are paid to educate. If there is a specific problem with an individual child, there will be cause for a discussion to resolve that particular issue. Otherwise, how parents manage technology in the home is no business of the school.


  1. The thing about this is that this guy has got the ear of an interfering, prod nosed government and that is a problem. If it weren’t for that he would be just some guy who is as entitled to his opinion as you and I. We have had self appointed experts warning us about the terrible dangers of new technology as long as there has been new technology to warn us about. I don’t think that any of their doomsday predictions have ever come to pass.

  2. Ian Bauckham, who advises ministers, believes we should abandon technology, revert to 1,000AD and live on bread & gruel. PHE, Claire Perry, Sarah Wollaston & Greens agree citing the negligible deaths by cancer then as evidence of how it can be healthier.

    • Latest from PHE:

      Kellogg’s All-Bran, Bran Flakes and Special K to be classed as evil junk food and ads on children’s TV banned

      Why? Recommended sugar consumption halved.

      Absolute lunacy

      Me: I eat All-Bran & Bran Flakes (since <7) because I need to

  3. all mobile phones should be left on the kitchen table

    What about those households that have kitchens too small to fit a kitchen table into? Is he proposing grants for miniaturised kitchen tables to be made to those households in grave danger from mobile phones so that they can be left in the approved place? Interested people want to know, you know!.

    It’s for the children … and if it saves a single life …

  4. OT

    More PC witch hunts

    A detective with the Met Police’s anti-corruption unit faces an investigation after he allegedly used the apparently innocuous phrase ‘whiter than white’; other officers are being investigating over the use of seemingly innocuous phrases including ‘pale, stale and male’ and ‘a good egg’.

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