Froggie Prez

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Why do I think of this when that twat Macron opens his mouth?

On Thursday afternoon in Salzburg, Emmanuel Macron adopted the role of Emile Zola, accusing a conspiracy of liars of misleading the British people in the referendum, then running away and refusing to take responsibility.

Bullshit! Seriously, utter, utter bullshit. Both sides engaged in telling porkies, but somehow only the leave side is the one that was guilty of anything according to the hard-of-thinking. Also, they assume that we were swayed by the propaganda. As if forty years of observing the EU and its lack of democratic accountability wasn’t enough to persuade us to vote to leave the corrupt edifice. It doesn’t matter what Johnson and company might have said or done, my vote was predetermined and, I suspect, that applied to most people on both sides of the divide.

But, remind me, just who was it who ran away within minutes of the outcome? Oh, yeah, Cameron. The Remainer who promised to see it through regardless of outcome. Macron is a twat with a short memory.

His remarks infuriated leavers, including some in the Labour party such as Caroline Flint, who said imperious insults from the French president were not going to warm the British public to the cause of remain.

Indeed. Much like inviting that slimy cretin Obama to lecture us on how to vote. Had much the same effect.

He is not just locked in a negotiation with the British to protect the single market, he is in a battle to defeat populism, of which Boris Johnson’s referendum campaign was a harbinger.

Right. Got it. Macron does not approve of a democratic result, so it isn’t democracy, it’s populism. Populism is a democratic result – you know, the popular vote? Macron, therefore is in a battle to defeat democracy. No wonder he is at home in the EU, they’ve been doing this for over half a century.

The Hungarians aren’t so impressed with this vacuous plastic president.

The Hungarians are equally clear about the battle ahead and have put Macron in their crosshairs. Péter Szijjártó, the combative Hungarian minister of foreign affairs, said: “Hungary is attacked by pro-immigration forces led by Macron … Their goal is to change the composition of people living in Europe. We resist that … Whatever the pressure, the Hungarian government will fight for the cause of Europe and the homeland.”

Well, quite. The progressives are the enemy and they are not democratic, nor are they liberals. They are the polar opposites of both.


  1. Our EU “Friends”

    Macron: Politicians who have been positive about Brexit are “liars” and other nations* should not consider leaving the European Union (EU) because they will suffer like the UK, Emmanuel Macron has said.

    Merkel: UK must suffer over Brexit deal

    Why would anyone want to pay to be in such a vindictive club?

    * Nations for how long? Regions is EU intent.

  2. Good post. One of the things about the campaign (to leave) that annoyed me was the lack of attack on the grounds of democratic accountability. Using immigration as a weapon was always going to have doubtful returns because the fact is we have always been able to control our level of immigration and therefore it was always going to invite the accusations of racism.
    Europe has a history of dabbling in fascist governments. We never have. More should have been made of that point I think.

    Also…Caroline Flint has just gone up in my estimation although there was never a chance she could have gone lower…

  3. Somewhat ironic then, that if the polls in France are to be believed, Mr Macron and his mother will be firmly removed from office by the next vote that the French get to take.

    I wonder if they will all be liars and bigots too?

  4. Why does Scottish rugby support this cul?
    First heard this when French guys I was working with were talking about an absent colleague.
    Pronounced exactly like the Scottish “coo”.
    A beast that goes “moo”.

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