Testing Twats

Following on from their bullshit survey that has come to the predetermined conclusion that whitey is racist, the Guardian has gone further and decided that driving examiners are racist and sexist.

Women and people of colour are significantly less likely than white men to pass UK practical driving tests, according to data analysed by the Guardian.

So? There could be all sorts of reasons for this. Without digging deeper it is not possible to draw any conclusions. Oh, but the race-baiting scum at the Guardian are all too ready to draw their conclusions. It’s the obvious one – driving examiners are institutionally racist and sexist.

Butt said the figures showed “racism at play”.

Baboom tish!

“Even when a driving test should be an objective test, it’s clear that subjective rules are being applied.”

Without digging into the evidence, you cannot say this. The test is objective. Except when it isn’t. Allow me to explain that. The test is objective. However, context will come into play. A fault that is obviously dangerous or potentially dangerous is pretty straightforward – likewise failing to obey road or traffic markings and signs. So break the law and you will fail. Cause another road user to take avoiding action and you will fail.

However, drive a bit slowly and you might not fail, or stall at a junction and you might not fail. On an empty road where no one is inconvenienced, then you may get away with it – it falls upon the examiner to make a decision based upon the context of the drive or ride and they are rigorously trained and assessed so that they make decisions that are consistent. Do the same thing in traffic and cause a tailback and you will fail.

So there is an element of context and that context will vary depending on the traffic density – so some faults will be more likely in a city environment and not so much in a rural one, for example.

Now, given these variables, to jump to the conclusion that racism and sexism is behind it is at best, foolish – although given the source, I am more inclined toward mendacity. These are professional grievance mongers and it is published in the Guardian. Say what you like about Donald Trump – love him or loathe him, he has the media summed up. This is indeed, fake news.

But [Omar] Khan pointed out that female drivers were less likely to be involved in road accidents than men (they accounted for only a third of accidents in 2016).

“The behaviour post-licence suggests women are safer and better drivers, so the pass rates require further explanation,” he said. “We also know from the workplace that assessments typically involve a degree of interpretation or discretion, and that this often disadvantages ethnic minorities and women. We need more detail on why candidates fail and can’t assume that the higher male pass rate is fair.”

Well, if Khan was to do even a little research into the matter and talk to driving and riding instructors, he might actually get an answer – but the Runnymede Trust doesn’t want to hear a mundane and logical explanation when racism and sexism can be used as that will justify more funds to his nasty little fake charity.

The explanation? Oh, yes, that’s fairly straightforward: In my experience and that of colleagues, women – in general – tend to be less confident during both the learning and testing process. I had one yesterday who fell off during her module 1 test. A cracking rider who had carried out the exercise perfectly earlier in the day. But nerves got the better of her. Not the first I’ve come across and won’t be the last. In general, I find that male candidates are more confident so cope with the pressure of the test environment better. But then, what do I know? I’m only a professional with years of experience. The scum at the Guardian and the Runnymede Trust know better and it’s all about racism and sexism as that suits their anti-white, anti-male, anti-western agenda.

These people really are evil scum.

A spokesperson for the Women’s Equality party said: “The female pass rate has been lower than the male pass rate for many years now. Yet driving schools keep insisting that candidates are not judged on anything other than their driving ability. Instead of burying their heads in the sand, they should consider how the sex and race of driving instructors might play a role, along with pervasive stereotypes. That would give them a chance to counter any unconscious bias that exists.”

Ah, yes, the old unconscious bias bullshit. We are not burying our heads in the sand – we teach whoever comes through the door to the same standards. The examiners test them to the same standards – and there are more women in the profession now than there have ever been. Around half of the examiners in our area are women – and that includes the trucks. So I call bullshit on this. There is no empirical evidence that racism or sexism is at play here. It’s an assertion, nothing more.

Did I say that these people are evil scum?


  1. Men have more accidents. All men? I have been driving for 43 years without having one. Also, part of the reason is that men drive more. My wife is a very safe and competent driver but any time we go out together she always lets me drive.

  2. You’ve called it right as ever- indeed even in the event they contrive to lose the next election, severe measures will need to be taken to cut the amount of taxpayers money both the Runnymede Trust and indeed the entire panoply of the ‘Anti-racism’ industry receives…

  3. I have known numerous women drivers who impose restrictions on themselves like not driving at night or long distances or avoiding certain intersections. They also will take any opportunity to be a passenger rather than a driver and often prefer to take a bus or train when they could have easily driven. I have never observed similar behaviour by any man I’ve known. No wonder they have fewer accidents.

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