

Labour MP found guilty of lying to the police to avoid a speeding ticket has sent a message to parliamentary colleagues likening her predicament to those of biblical figures, including Jesus, and asking them to pray for her.

There’s something deeply disturbing about the people who think they should rule us and this woman is the personification of that malady.

In times like these, the natural inclination of believers is to ask God: why? I personally do not, because in my experience the answers are usually far above and beyond my reach. What I do know is that I am in good biblical company, along with Joseph, Moses, Daniel and his three Hebrew friends, who were each found guilty by the courts of their day.

While God did not save them from a guilty verdict, he did save them in it and ensured that their greatest days of impact were on the other side of a guilty verdict. Of course this is equally true of Christ, who was accused and convicted by the courts of his day and yet this was not his end but rather the beginning of the next chapter in his story.

Positively deranged. This woman committed an offence and then lied about it. She is guilty of perverting the course of justice. That does not make her a martyr – she is a common criminal as was Chris Huhne. He, at least, had the decency to resign his seat. This woman thinks she is above all that and that she is some sort of victim. They really are narcissistic, megalomaniac arseholes.


  1. “They really are narcissistic, megalomaniac arseholes.”

    All required qualifications for being a Corbynista…………..

  2. She should have done what I did, pay the fine and then get it back in fuel duty by cycling to work. Thirty quid in the piggy bank so far.

  3. I’m hoping that the ‘Huhne precedent’ will apply in this case when she comes up for sentencing and that she gets an immediate custodial. The ‘Jesus’ allegory that she has made does indeed mark her out to be the sort of narcissistic full of herself arsehole who still cannot recognise what she has done wrong

    • She is probably trying for a Section 8. Secure Hospitals aren’t holiday camps but they are better than jug. She knows what she’s doing.

    • ” The ‘Jesus’ allegory that she has made does indeed mark her out to be the sort of narcissistic full of herself arsehole who still cannot recognise what she has done wrong”

      No, Fahrenheit, it’s the ‘Labour MP’ after her name that does that!

  4. Custodial sentences not only for the wicked witch of Peterborough but also for her equally criminal brother!

  5. I’m betting on a custodial sentence as judges hate liars that undermine the judicial system. But i’m also betting that upon being released she becomes a Gruniad writer and talking head in the media claiming it was all racism….she will become the victim in this.

  6. Let’s see.. about the religious “thing”

    “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
    – and –
    “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

    So as well as being a venal, lying cunt she isn’t much of a Christian either…

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