In A Time of Deception

Telling the truth is a revolutionary act (George Orwell).

The home secretary has already faced criticism for describing those making the perilous journey as illegal migrants.

This from the usual suspects. These people are not refugees, nor are they asylum seekers. There is a clear process for dealing with cases of those seeking refuge from war zones and fleeing persecution. They must seek refuge in the first safe haven they reach. Those crossing the Channel are not doing this, hence what Javid says is a matter of truth. They are illegal immigrants, they are breaking the law on immigration into this country. This is a matter of objective fact.

My only criticism of Javid here is that he is not robust enough. He needs to make it very clear that anyone caught will be sent packing. You want to come here? Fine, go through the proper channels. Try to sneak across the Channel – then you get sent back. And you keep getting sent back until you get the message.

This is not migration. It is not a refugee crisis. It is an attempted invasion.


    • Yes, I saw that one. Another cultural enricher.

      Mr Addae said that following the latest offences, he ‘would now be subject to a Home Office review as to whether he will be deported again.’

      What? So keep offending and the authorities just give up? Send him to Somalia.

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