Stopped Clocks

Even Owen Jones gets to be right(ish) once in a blue moon.

Feel no pity for Theresa May. She has been the worst prime minister in modern times

Gordon Brown can relax now, for his crown has been stolen. What is disturbing is the trend of awful prime ministers. I think it probably began with the idea that politics is a career option instead of a calling, a vocation, a duty. Instead we have graduates with no experience of the world entering Westminster with the aim of sitting on the green benches where they can dictate to the rest of us. From their position of ignorance and stupidity. No one should enter politics until they have had a career in the real world and had to suffer the incompetence of binge lawmakers who spew their ill-informed nonsense on the rest of us and force us to pay for it. I dunno, say a minimum age requirement of fifty with no less than thirty years of having paid tax into the system?

In the meantime, the Tories will start shuffling deck chairs. Sunday evening the outcome of the people’s vote will possibly tell us that the people voted to leave…

And Theresa May? Good riddance. You were a dreadful home secretary and an even worse prime minister. Go, be gone, do not darken these doors again.


  1. There will be a lot of champagne quaffed (metaphorically) in my police station today!!!

  2. It’s predictable that Jones’ predictable amnesia has washed all over the Scottish Calamity that was Gordon Brown.

  3. May was without doubt the worst Prime Minister ever, even though she was up against some pretty stiff competition. Bliar is the next worse and then the Snotgobbler in 3rd

  4. Don’t forget Harold “I’m not a Soviet agent, honest” Wilson. I understand Blair learned his two facedness from H.

  5. No tears for Mrs May. I feel a heart of stone coming on. She was finally forced to listen and nail that treaty to the No.10 bog wall where it should have been after the first rejection. At least those numpty remainer MPs never read it. If they had they would have fallen over themselves to vote for it. A lovely Remain treaty.

  6. I agree with pretty much every word of that, has he had a head transplant? I know what you said about stopped clocks, but this sudden display of insight is little short of amazing. I don’t suppose that he will be taking the next step in realising that it would therefore be in every one’s interests for the government to be much reduced in size and scope and kept away from interfering in the real world as far as possible.

  7. Not so fast, guys. She has announced that she will leave on 7th June. have you forgotten that a week is a long time in politics?

    Suppose that the EU election results for her are merely disastrous rather than catastrophic. What is to stop her saying that there is confidence in her and the predictions of disaster were exaggerated?

    I’d hold off before singing this:

  8. Ding dong the witch has gone.

    But we need to be tough not just on Theresa May, but also the causes of Theresa May.

    I can only hope ordinary Brits realise it’s an existential threat to leave dipsticks like our current Establishment so empowered to wreck our lives and country.

    Voting once in five years is not enough. Over the last thirty years we’ve been dragged into the EC, the ERM, various UN compacts, numerous wars, bail out funds, endless laws supposedly to catch terrorists and paedos but now used to spy on bin usage and fuck knows what else. The Establishment failure to deliver BREXIT needs to be the final lesson.


    The LibLabCon are getting their feet back under them with a new Prime Minister on the horizon. The BREXITEER Tendency need to force their way past BREXIT Into making the delivery of independent Britain effective.

    Direct Democracy. Citizen initiated binding referenda.

  9. I don’t actually think May was the worst PM ever. She was crap, that I do agree, but she was only the worst PM as far as the conservative party is concerned. She has brought that party to its knees but she had help. The Tory party itself had several opportunities to excise her but didn’t. They wanted what she was doing so screw them. I hope they crash and burn as a lesson to all.

    Beside what she did to the Tory party May has achieved nothing and her only legacy is damage is to our bank account, our reputation and how women are perceived.

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