By Their Speech Shall Ye Know Them

Neither a liberal nor a democrat.

“In the long term, widespread personal vehicle ownership therefore does not appear to be compatible with significant decarbonisation. The government should not aim to achieve emissions reductions simply by replacing existing vehicles with lower-emissions versions,” it said.

That’s it. That’s what this alarmism is about. Control. Central planning. Norman Lamb who thinks this is a jolly good idea is neither a liberal nor a democrat, so is in tune with the rest of his shabby little party, riddled with closet totalitarians. He should be in the communist party, because that is where he and the rest of the scurrilous scumbags on this committee belong. That, after all, is the party of central planning.

Norman Lamb, a Liberal Democrat MP whose father founded the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, said: “Targets are of no value if you don’t design the incentives and framework to deliver them and deploy the technologies that are already there to achieve them.”

Ah… that East Anglia climate research unit… Like father like son, then.

Once again, we are reminded of H. L. Mencken.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

This behaviour is merely the latest in a long line of imaginary hobgoblins that gives politicians the excuse they need to control every aspect of our lives. And, by God, are they making the most of it.

Climatology has ceased to be a valid scientific endeavour. It has become so corrupted that it is now a religion, a doomsday death cult and its pronouncements cannot be relied upon. It has its prophets (Al Gore, for example), its priests at the IPCC and East Anglia University, its acolytes in politics, academia and in the extinction rebellion and it now has a saint in Greta Thunberg.

This is a religion, not a science. I used to think G K Chesterton was a buffoon when he proposed that once man ceases to believe in God, he will believe in anything, but this lot have me thinking again. He had a point. What we have here is the Church of Climatology and like other religions it seeks to control us – what we eat, wear and how we travel. Every aspect of our lives, much like Islam does now and Christianity once tried to do.

Fuck off!


  1. ..and have you noticed how the greens have started to complain about the particles emitted from cars’ brakes & tyres? Now the exhaust emissions are largely solved they’re finding new ways to demonise our freedom.

    • Indeed.

      My car: goes where I want, when I want. Costs from as little as I can get away with to as much as I want to spend.

      “Public” trsnsport: goes where they say, when they say. Costs whatever they decide.

      It really is that simple.

      Emission from brakes and tyres. This applies to glorified milk floats as well and should be a wake up call to all those poor misguided fools who have one and those gullible fools who are thinking of getting one.

      There aren’t words in English or any other language living, dead or yet to be devised to tell these curtain twitching, sheet sniffing collectivist hypercunts to totally and absolutely get fucked.

  2. H. H. Lamb author of Climate, History and the Modern World, would I think be appalled with what has become of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia which he founded. I suspect he would also be totally appalled at the utter corruption and political abuse of modern-day climate science. The early versions of his book remain a go-to reference for climate history and it’s effects on human history. More knowledgeable commentators than me seem to believe he was under considerable pressure to bow to the dangerous anthropomorphic climate change fairy tale in later life. I do not believe in this case that the father was anything like the son.

  3. “This behaviour is merely the latest in a long line of imaginary hobgoblins that gives politicians the excuse they need to control every aspect of our lives. And, by God, are they making the most of it.”

    As was shown clearly in Adam Curtis’ “The Power of Nightmares” trilogy in 2004.

    There has to be a bogeyman to keep the plebs scared, whether it’s Eurasia, Eastasia, or whatever.

  4. Let’s hope that his constituents remember this come the next election and send him packing with a lost deposit.

      • Well I can live in hope. Certainly anyone standing as an independent or for the Brexit Party would do well by collating information about the illiberal policies that are supported by mainstream rivals. It seems as though they are just about all bansturbaters these days. There are even a bunch that want to ban sweets completely.

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