A Question We Can Answer

Why do people hate vegans?

The war on vegans started small. There were flashpoints, some outrageous enough to receive press coverage. There was the episode in which William Sitwell, then editor of Waitrose magazine, resigned after a freelance writer leaked an email exchange in which he joked about “killing vegans one by one”. (Sitwell has since apologised.) There was the PR nightmare faced by Natwest bank when a customer calling to apply for a loan was told by an employee that “all vegans should be punched in the face”. When animal rights protesters stormed into a Brighton Pizza Express in September this year, one diner did exactly that.

A charge commonly laid against vegans is that they relish their status as victims, but research suggests they have earned it. In 2015, a study conducted by Cara C MacInnis and Gordon Hodson for the journal Group Processes & Intergroup Relations observed that vegetarians and vegans in western society – and vegans in particular – experience discrimination and bias on a par with ethnic and religious minorities.

Typical Guardian bullshit. There is no war on vegans and they do not face discrimination. People do not hate vegans and in one of the most tolerant and diverse societies on the planet, ethnic and religious minorities are pretty damned well treated, so fuck off already.

What people do not like – and I include myself here – is the kind of self-righteous vegan activist who uses disruption and bullying in an attempt to blackmail the rest of us into following their chosen dietary fad. When they storm into an eatery and start harassing staff and diners alike, they cross a line.

It’s not vegans per se that people despise, its the loud activists who would use tyranny to enforce their preferences on an unwilling populace.

But, this is the Guardian, the home of would-be tyrants, so what do we expect?

… in the past two years, vegans have been thrust into the limelight.

And who did that, I wonder? Oh, yeah, the kind of arrogant prick who dresses up as a vegetable and parades himself on television, the arrogant pricks who encamped at Smithfields and disrupted people’s daily work, the kind of people who disrupt others getting their pizzas or sitting in a MacDonalds or buying a pastry. They have thrust themselves into the limelight. No one else did.

But, again, this is the Guardian, so reason, facts and logic don’t apply. They have a victim card to play and by God, they are going to damned well play it for all its worth.

Meanwhile, out in ‘Merca, a couple of activists get their arses handed to them on a plate. Most gratifying.


  1. I’m sure shouting through that megaphone must be physical assault. You can deafen people that way. Surprise Plod put up with it.

  2. I admire people who can go through life not eating bacon sandwiches. I have known friends who have and are vegans , choose it as a way of life and not a crusade. I have met others where it is not a lot more than a fad and sooner or later for various reasons they have given up.

    I asked one, “fad” vegan what they expect the farmers to do with their livestock. The answer was keep them or free them!! I did suggest that neither was practical, farmers, most of whom care for their livestock, would not have the expensive with no profit. The idea of releasing farm animals doesn’t bear thinking about. Cattle will die an agonising death with out regular milking, as would sheep without being sheared.
    Where would they graze and live. The same vegan said that true vegans don’t believe in any caged animals. Therefore zoos will release their animals and pets would not be acceptable. So the lions and tigers will end up feasting on the cows and sheep and the towns will be filled with gangs of wild dogs!

    What a nice world!

    All through not wanting to eat meat! The person later went back to eating meat as claimed a vegan diet made her ill.

  3. It is completely obvious to anybody that it is not vegans but vegan activists that people dislike. Does the Guardian columnist genuinely not know or is (s)he just pretending not to know, otherwise there would be nothing to write?

  4. Be careful out there Guys n gals! Wait until the vegans follow the clear path that we have been giving them through opening the gates to Antismokers claim of no safe level.

    We have the idea of smoking bans inside of people’s accommodations in public housing complexes without a ripple. The justification comes from the idea that smokers do not have the right to force smoke down the slopes and into the bodies of other people living in a shared building with them.

    Now imagine if you were a vaping looking at that intrusion into people’s own housing as you notice the annoying scent of the family next-door frying up their morning toast and bacon.

    Hang into that potential for Muslims orthodox Jews claiming that the carcinogen rich fumes from the frying bacon were also forcing pork particulates into their bodies against their religious rights.

    Just as the Antismokers explained that they were not forcing anyone to give up smoking, but were simply asking for some reasonable accommodation by asking smokers to smoke a hundred feet away from building, extremist vegans can claim that they are not forcing anyone to give up eating bacon, they are simply asking people to show some consideration and prepare their bacon more safely by boiling in the morning and serving it in that tasty and more chewable way on the breakfast plates! See? No big deal, right?

    Think about that next time you see some kind of smoking ban being passed on highly questionable arguments.

    Meanwhile you better hurry up and fry all the bacon in your house right now!

    – MJM

  5. That video is hilarious. A woolley ginger nut shouting through a toy. He’s lucky that food worker didn’t just strike the end of it and knock his teeth out,

  6. “…he joked about “killing vegans one by one”. (Sitwell has since apologised.)…”

    I should think he did apologise: it would take far too bloody long.

    A few dozen at a time would be much better.

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