Sigh… No

It precisely because they are taken in by the charlatans of the death cult that they are not fit to vote.

Greta Thunberg is old enough to scare the world. Are teens like her really too young to vote?

Doomberg only frightens me in that she demonstrates how gullible and foolish some adults are. She is a teenager. She knows nothing of the world, having a lack of years in which to experience life and the stupidity of mankind – of which she has been a victim. It is this reason that we don’t allow gullible teenagers to vote. Because they do not know enough to form a reasoned opinion.

Okay, sure, that applies to some adults, but it doesn’t undermine the basic point. When you are an adult and are paying taxes and contributing then you get to have a say. Because you have become the poster child of an insane death cult doesn’t cut it.

Or because you have become an enemy combatant, either.

Despite being effectively exiled by a Conservative government, Shamima Begum, who joined Isis aged 15 – and whose withdrawn citizenship is currently the subject of appeal – now finds herself a Tory asset. As well as being inhumane, Sajid Javid’s continued resistance to her return appears, considering her proved cautionary value, singularly ungrateful.

Only the Guardian could come up with this kind of twisted logic. Only the Guardian could leap to the defence of someone who left this country voluntarily to join an enemy state if it means getting in a dig at teh eeeevil Toreees. How low can they stoop?

“Ironically,” noted a Spiked contributor, “she was slightly below the age that many of the chattering-class leftists who use her youthfulness as a defence want to lower the voting age to.” A correspondent to the Guardian asked, in response to a compassionate editorial about Begum’s vulnerability, how it squared with support for votes at 16. “You cannot have it both ways.”

There is no conundrum here. I wouldn’t give the vote to someone as vapid as Shamima Begum, precisely because she was stupid enough to join ISIS, just as I wouldn’t give it to Doomberg, because she believes the lies of the likes of Extinction Rebellion and the rest of the vile death cult who would reverse the industrial revolution and consign us all to poverty. Both have behaved in response to the idiocy of youth, due to a lack of maturity and neither is ready for the vote. Being old enough to take responsibility for criminal actions doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be allowed the vote.

Of course, this circle is squared at the Guardian because they indulge in double-think.

No one, surely, after seeing a Spiked editor incite riots on the television…

He didn’t, you utter moron.



  1. I would go the other way and say that only tax-payers and retired people should get the vote. No postal votes either unless you are registered disabled.

  2. In Robert Heinlein’ s novel, “Starship Troopers”, only those who have served in the military can be citizens and allowed to vote. This may be taking things a bit too far, but perhaps the right to vote should only be given to those who have contributed in some way.
    Parasites don’t care who their host is, as long as it keeps feeding them. This may be why the Corbyn and McDonnell Party is so attractive to them as it keeps promising that parasites will be fed.

  3. Never, ever give these tossers under 18 a vote. Half of the fuckers don’t even know what gender they are. Most are also completely illiterate.

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