This is How It’s Done

Brendan O’Neill demonstrates how to defend freedom of speech. It is easy to defend freedom of speech for those you like and agree with. However, Brendan O’Neill does it for someone who has openly shown that they despise him.

Suzanne Moore once said she wanted to vomit on me. So I’m guessing she’s not a fan. Alas, defending freedom of speech, standing up for the essential liberty of intellectual and moral dissent, often means defending people who despise you. Even people who want to puke on you. And so I must defend Ms Moore from the army of censorious misogynists keen to shut her down because – let’s be frank – she thinks that if you have a dick you are a man, not a woman.

And he is right. Moore is an unpleasant individual. She espouses some of the most vile, misandrist fuckwittery in her Guardian articles. However, if you defend freedom of speech, you defend it for everyone – even those you despise and who openly despise you.

Moore is hardly gracious following that defence though as Sargon points out.

Her graceless response merely tells us what we already know, that she is a deeply nasty piece of work. But, but, but… She has a right to open her mouth, put pen to paper or tap away at her keyboard and spill all the misandrist bile she wishes, for by her words do we know her. Brendan O’Neill is by far the better man here.

Meanwhile, the Guardian, assaulted on all sides because it has allowed a Transphobe to write articles for it, finds itself torn between a TERF and a hard place.



  1. Meanwhile, the Guardian, assaulted on all sides because it has allowed a Transphobe to write articles for it, finds itself torn between a TERF and a hard place.

    Good. I hope it breaks this illiberal Commie fish ‘n chip wrapping provider and they finally go bust. Even the proceeds of a century of tax evasion can’t last forever.

  2. I think people have an absolute right to make an ass of themselves. As long as point and laugh – I don’t care!

  3. Don’t we sort of need the Guardian to be a window into what the more deranged elements of the left are thinking. It has been mentioned elsewhere that the left want to censor and silence the right but the right wants the left to broadcast its ideas from the rooftops.

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