The Closet Fascists and the Chattering Classes

There is, I suppose, one small thing to draw from the current situation. We now know who the closet fascists are. Emboldened by the police throwing their weight about, demanding to search our shopping, we have the likes of Keith, who has told us on the radio that he would like people to be shot by the army, for disrespecting the NHS, being outrageous and disrespecting the Queen.

While Keith said he didn’t want the military to ‘necessarily kill them’, he argued a shot to the hand or foot should ‘teach them a lesson’. The main offenders on Keith’s hit list were the people ‘running around sunbathing’, ‘spitting in the streets’, ‘disrespecting the Queen’, or just generally ‘being outrageous’.

As well as being a vile fascist, Keith is what would normally be known as NFN (normal for Norfolk) for being unable to see the obvious flaw in his cunning plan. As things go, he would ordinarily get a nice uniform and a job as a guard at one of the camps – that being the limit of his abilities.

Meanwhile, of course, we get the great and the good lecturing us on what we already know, as Brendan O’Neil (one of the sane voices in the typhoon of chattering fuckwittery) points out when dissecting Emily Maitlis’ hypocritical lecture.

We’ve seen much grotesque hypocrisy and opportunism during the Covid-19 crisis, from the Corbynista left virtually cheering the virus on in order to expose ‘Tory failings’ to the curtain-twitching sections of society relishing the new opening for squealing on their neighbours and agitating for a police state. But last night’s Newsnight, and in particular Emily Maitlis’s staggeringly hypocritical and deeply patrician mini-lecture to the nation about life in lockdown Britain, took the biscuit. Reader, the elites are straight-up taking the piss out of us now.

The chattering classes and the regressive left are, naturally, fawning over Ms Maitlis’s solemnly delivered platitudes, treating her virtually as the Princess Diana of Covid Britain. What did she do to deserve such cringe-inducing accolades? She had a pop at the government – as is her wont; Maitlis is one of the least objective journalists in the already objectivity-challenged BBC – and she asked us to feel sorry for poorer people in small homes who will be having a hard lockdown.

From which I would say, defund the BBC and make it survive in the open market.

Talking of which, we have vacuous football pundits ( a pointless waste of oxygen) planning to take legal action because they will lose some money.

Sportsmail has revealed previously that some of the channel’s highest-profile talent — including Robbie Savage, Rio Ferdinand and Jermaine Jenas — are in danger of being out of pocket because of disruption to the schedule as a result of the coronavirus crisis.

Have these arseholes no self-awareness? Some of my colleagues have no income at the moment. None. They have tried to get alternative work, but there are so many like themselves, that nothing has come of it, they have tried to claim benefits, and the same applies. They do not have millions in the bank like these people. They have no cushion. Yet we are subject to these over-inflated, fatuous fuckwits whining because they will be a few million worse off. Rio Ferdinand et al can go fuck themselves.

We once prided ourselves that had Operation Sealion succeeded, that we would have fought the bastards on the beaches and the landing grounds, that we would have made occupation hell for them, that we would have resisted, that we, Britons, would not have collaborated and informed on our neighbours to the Gestapo. This past couple of weeks has thoroughly disillusioned me of that notion. We are a nation of curtain twitchers, petty little busybody, sneering spies who would dob in our neighbour for flouting guidelines and screech at anyone who dares to proffer a dissenting voice and we have police chiefs who are outright fascists – step forward Chief Constable Nick Adderley (although this scumbag is far from being alone among the thick blue line). We have a chattering class of politicians, media and celebrities who are so out of touch with reality they might just has well come from another galaxy.

In the meantime, I am expecting a run on the sales of black footie bags.


  1. As things go, he would ordinarily get a nice uniform and a job as a guard at one of the camps – that being the limit of his abilities.


  2. This has been a long time coming sadly – but the veil has been lifted on a large number of totalitarians certainly. Adderley is, as you mention not atypical sadly…

  3. Mr Longrider,

    How dare you spoil my post by mentioning Brendan O’Neil’s piece /sarc

    Brendan O’Neil spot on again. During Blair fuel-strike I was saying about time Lefties realised supermarket staff they demean are ‘essential’ as are truckers etc. They didn’t then, but do this time. Must stick in their throats it took a Tory Gov’t to say this

    Listening to BBC QT: They’re all reciting the if it (lockdown/shutdown) saves one life… mantra

    No it’s not. One thousand deferred deaths is not worth the £2.6 Billion daily cost to UK

    Covid-19 Racist?

    Thuesday C4 NEWS pic of latest 10 NHS staff deaths: 1 white. At least USA is finally warning black/brown they’re more at risk when it’s been known since early March

    Dr Fauci says health disparities in the African American community are ‘unacceptable’

    Weak speech, tip-toes around genetic disposition by implying discrimination

    Some how the media is going to blame CV19 on racism and Trump. AOC soon to start flapping about how the Corona virus is racist

    The Coronavirus is Definitely Racist /sarc

    Black woman is deluded – a BA Greivance Studies I assume

    Black Guy calls for what I said in prev post: inform Black/Brown, but should have over a month ago. Left ideology killing peeps yet again

    “We’re getting infected more because our bodies have borne the chronic dis-investment in our communities”. That’s a strange way of saying “Haven’t taken personal responsibility for my health now I’m reaping the consequences”.

    Not only racist, Covid-19 is also a confirmed misandrist and ageist, and a suspected ableist

    • Has it not occurred to these people that picking up a few unnecessary items at the same time as the necessities is good for the economy while adding negligibly to the spread of disease?

      Or is that just a slip of the mask?

    • The thing is, the legislation speaks only of essential stores, not essential items. As usual a senior police officer is making up the law to suit himself. Supermarkets are designated essential stores, ergo I may put anything into my trolley I like. If it is legal for the store to sell it then it is legal for me to buy it.

      As a firearms certificate holder, I am rather pleased that the great British public is getting to see for themselves the same kind of total disdain for the law that senior officers have shown us for decades. It is routine for senior officers to go well beyond the firearms acts in the hoops they expect us to jump through. And 90% of the public agree with them, because “guns are evil and no one should be allowed to have one”, even when the law says you can. I am delighted that authoritarian joe public gets to live in my world, where the police say, “we can do whatever we like to you because viruses are evil, m’kay”

  4. They should patrol supermarkets with people from Public Health England, then they could check that you’re getting your 5 and 2 per day and that you’re not exceeding any RDAs.

  5. “…that we would have made occupation hell for them, that we would have resisted, that we, Britons, would not have collaborated and informed on our neighbours to the Gestapo. This past couple of weeks has thoroughly disillusioned me of that notion.”

    You’re looking at the population in 2020 and assuming that was the population in 1941.

    • Quite so, my mum was 10 and by all accounts a right tear away, she’d have given Jerry hell, as she would now at 89.

    • People would have looked around to see what their neighbours were doing, and then carried on going to work as directed, just as the population of the rest of Occupied Europe did. It was the civil servants and local police in Holland, France etc who compiled lists of Jews to be rounded-up, and I’ve read that when the Germans occupied the Channel Islands, the authorities there were so keen to curry favour with their new masters, that they didn’t even wait to be told, but approached the Germans with lists they’d compiled voluntarily.

  6. Unfortunately these closet British fascists are not only too stupid to realise that they are acting like fascists but they are also too ignorant of our culture to understand the reference to black footie bags.

  7. When even Genocide Patel, the fuckwit’s fuckwit, slaps you down, Adderley is too extreme even for the Johnson regime

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