As Experiments Go…

This one will be interesting.

Experts have warned that the coronavirus lockdown is being eased too quickly making a second spike ‘inevitable’ and police have said the rules are now ‘unenforceable’ as Britons are again expected to swamp beaches and parks because of more scorching weather.

Millions are now able to see friends and family, more businesses can reopen and children will return to primary school for the first time in more than 10 weeks.  Outdoor markets and car showrooms also reopen this morning.

But the Government is urging Britons to act ‘sensibly’ as they enjoy a host of new freedoms, which experts have claimed are coming too fast and will make a second a second spike in UK Covid-19 cases ‘inevitable’.

The lock-down was never necessary and has been actively encouraged by a combination of authoritarianism and weakness – the weakness of cowards who are afraid of the natural world. Pathogens exist. It is reasonable to seek cures and treatments. It is not reasonable to shut down the world in response to one that has a kill rate of less than 1%.

However, we will now get to see whether the ‘fraidy cats who advocate cowering indoors because of the big bad virus and clapping the NHS like performing seals every Thursday are right.

Sure there will be a second spike. I expect as we get into the cooler weather it will hit. Like seasonal flu, this will be seasonal covid. We are now in full summer, so the heat and UV light is bad for the virus’ survival out in the open. But come autumn and winter, it will come out to play.

But if nothing much happens in the next few weeks as I suspect might prove to be the case, then hopefully some sanity will resume. Maybe the shroud wavers and virtue signallers will shut the fuck up as well. My block, unfollow, delete finger is getting worn out.


  1. Since the only way to get it sorted is for enough of us to get exposed to it so that there is a broadly based immunity to it, it seems that the lockdown is just prolonging the problem. It is something that we will have to face sooner or later.

  2. Might be interesting to see what happens down under as they pass from their winter to spring.

  3. the weakness of cowards who are afraid of the natural world, and of the politician who can never own up to getting it wrong and over-reacting.

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