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Last week, we had mostly peaceful demonstrators, where 27 police were injured. This week we had far right thugs…

The question then is a simple one. Why were the Antifa and BLM brown-shirts last week “largely peaceful demonstrators” whereas this week, those who went to counter demonstrate are “far right thugs”?

Oh, I don’t doubt for one minute that there were troublemakers on both sides. However, the reporting is not even-handed. It is clear from the language used that the media is biased. If you are a far left Antifa thug, then that’s okay, but if you are someone who objects and goes to a protest to voice that objection, you become a far right thug – even if you are nothing of the sort. It was laughable enough last week when they tried to portray the thuggery, violence and hooliganism as “largely peaceful” yet today, opposing demonstrators are thugs. What happened to the “largely peaceful counter demonstration”?

Not that I am suggesting anything new here. It’s just that as the country becomes more polarised, the inability of the media to present news in a factual and balanced way is becoming increasingly obvious. They openly have taken sides. Sure, they did that a while ago, but now they aren’t even bothering to try to conceal it.


  1. Eventually nobody who wants real information will be looking at mainstream sources. All that is happening is that we are witnessing the change before our very eyes.

  2. I’ve never read such biased horse shit, but then its the mirror. Those far right thugs, as far as I have heard, are chanting football slogans because they are Millwall fans. I heard they were going to mix it up a bit today with the Antifa/BLM pussies. Just to make myself clear, I’m with the ‘far right thugs’ on this one. You can’t go around destroying a country’s heritage without some opposition and its high time somebody stood up to the bullshit. Another thing I’ve noticed in the MSM is the way that they try and distance BLM from Antifa. They are one and the same. In fact we have quite a few activist groups under the Antifa umbrella, Hope Not Hate being one that springs to mind.

    • It’s the DM as well. Photo of a “far right thug” facing off a BLM peaceful protestor who is aiming a kick and punch at the “thug” who stands with his arms by his side, a policeman is pushing the “thug” back

  3. As soon as I read the BBC’s report this afternoon I had exactly the same thought as LR. They are not making the slightest attempt to appear unbiased anymore.

  4. It is clear from the language used that the media is biased. If you are a far left Antifa thug, then that’s okay, but if you are someone who objects and goes to a protest to voice that objection, you become a far right thug – even if you are nothing of the sort

    Spot on. The bias today was as blatant as BBC’s Maitliss – no consequences for her, so openly biased increased while OFCOM does nothing

    Today, BBC & C4 news classes all protecting statues as Far Right including retired military. C4 News reporter stated as fact “BLM justifiably fighting decades of institutional systemic racism in UK”
    – a comment: “taffy1975, 41 minutes ago:
    Is it really impossible for journalists to report events without giving their own political view on it? I think this was probably one of the most biased reports I’ve ever seen”

    No mention of today’s Antifa & BLM riots:

    Unsurprisingly, cops at BLM in normal uniform. Meanwhile, cops at patriots in full riot gear – wonder who incited the violence, we’ve seen cops do it before many times

    BLM like Antifa is a Democrat terrorist organisation – similar to Sein Fein & IRA

    All donations to the official BLM website are immediately redirected to ActBlue Charities, an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates. Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades; the ‘systemic racism’ there was built by successive Democrat administrations

    • @ Atifa & BLM Riots link, reported on Radio 2 2pm news “meanwhile a smaller group of peaceful BLM activists have gathered in Hyde Park having decided to avoid (the statues) and confrontation with (right wing thugs).”

    • Hector Drummond link “…attacks on war memorials, Union Flags and the Churchill statue, not much reported in the media…”.
      Widely known about nevertheless, came up several times in conversation during the week.

  5. The tattood white men in the videos confronting the Police may not appear to be England’s finest and it is no surprise to see Jess Phillips branding them ‘racist thugs’ without having any idea about their motivation but for Boris to wade in likewise is disappointing.

    Re boarding up statues. As early teens we would visit Trafalgar Square on new years eve to climb the statuary in the fountains. One year ‘They’ turned the water off which was sad but at least we walked home dry. Next year ‘They’ had fenced the fountains off so we stopped going. ‘They’ had achieved their objective with minimum effort and that is probably why antifa/BLM chose to rally in Hyde Park instead.

  6. Google “British Prime Ministers”. Notice anything odd between the images of Clement Attlee and Anthony Eden?

  7. The difference is obvious: take your cues from the police. The police are unable or unwilling to protect statues from mostly peaceful demonstrators but they are more than willing to protect hoardings from far right thugs.

    There you are, problem solved.

  8. Saw footage of BLM thugs in groups ganging up and beating lone white men. This was of couse on varios blogs/vlogs and most certainly not on the craven BBC or indeed any of the MSM. This was not a peaceful demonstration. It was actually an utter disgrace. This BLM is a US outfit and the problem is a US problem. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen in the UK but if it happens it is far from regular.

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