BLM and Antisemitism

Karen Harradine comments over at Conservative Woman on the disease of antisemitism that runs like an open sewer through the ideology of far left groups such as BLM. Although, it is not by any means exclusive to this organisation.

Although the Movement for Black Lives coalition, of which BLM is a prominent member, has largely coalesced around charges of mass incarcerations of black people in the US, police violence against them and other domestic issues (disputed by American academic John McWhorter here) it has also called for the ending of military aid to Israel, falsely accusing it of being an apartheid state, despite the country arguably being the only democracy in the Middle East. 

Four years ago the Movement for Black Lives came out with a manifesto called ‘A Vision for Black Lives’, a truly Marxist revolutionary document which inter alia accuses Israel of genocide against Palestinians. This is a lie and a blood libel. A string of sympathetic Jewish organisations, from the Anti-Defamation League to the Reform movement and the National Council of Jewish Women, condemned this use of genocide and apartheid language.

Underling this gross defamation is the activists’ oxymoronic belief that by allying with Islamist agendas, including the destruction of Israel, they are ‘fighting racism’. So anyone who criticises their anti-Semitism by definition is pronounced a racist and this becomes, in this mindset, yet another form of ‘racism’, a recent phenomenon on which I have written several times.

Go read it all.


  1. Scratch a modern far Lefty and it’s all too easy to find a jackboot licking Jew hater underneath. Sadly with the Left it was not always like this. Personally I believe that this is partly because of the growth of Trotskyism on the Left in the post 1968 generation of Lefties and also the fact that in the eyes of the Left after the 1967 war, Israel went from plucky underdog nation filled with socialist Kibbutzim to being an aggressor aligned with the West who have increasingly abandoned the failed communal Kibbutz style of living.

    • 40 years ago I knew a student who flipped between the various forms of Marxism but her real conflict was that she had spent 6 months on a kibbutz and loved it. That made her views on Israel unacceptable to her erstwhile comrades even then.

  2. Conservative Woman is a good site. Men welcome too, and male writers

    Anti-Semitic regimes include Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao – all communist/socialist. Yet Jews in West keep voting for Left

    Not on BBC & UK MSM
    Glorious. Nigel Farage speaks for me

    Boris Johnson is presiding over ‘mob rule on the streets of London’: Farage
    “With leadership, you have to stand up, be brave and make tough calls,” Mr Farage said.
    “At this moment in time he (Boris Johnson) is looking like one of the weakest leaders we have seen and someone who frankly, doesn’t fit the category of leader
    “It was under his watch we have seen mob rule on the streets of London.”

    Johnson’s desire to be liked by all is rapidly backfiring as his grass-roots Conservative supporters desert him in ever increasing numbers for appeasing Left esp XR, Green, BLM, C19 derangement – yet Left still hate him

    Today he appeases again: an inquiry into black grievances – not enough scream Left. He’s chasing fools gold

    Well said Mr Bernardi

    Left exert all the dominance of the totalitarian state by ignoring the inconvenient and marginalising the voices that dare speak up

    Worth keeping an eye on

    • The idea that ‘all Jews vote Left’ is a bit mistaken. Yes there is a Jewish Left vote, including in the UK a far Left Jewish vote in the form of the ‘Jews for Jeremy lot, but in Britain at least communal political affiliation leans towards the Tories.

      However in the UK the communal make up of the Jewish community is different from that of the USA. In Britain, the primary communal group are Orthodox Jews with non Orthodox paths such as Reform, Masorti and Liberal Jews coming second. As Orthodox Jews tend to more conservative lifestyles they tend to vote conservative.

      In the USA on the other hand Reform Judaism seems to be the dominant sect and in the USA Reform Judaism is as far Left as Liberal Judaism is in the UK. Also much of the US Jewish community is broadly secular and contains many secular Leftists. Ben Shapiro has a good short video on why US Jews vote Leftist. It’s both funny and informative.

      For the record, I’m a non-Orthodox Jew in part because I believe that it is not an abomination for a woman to stand on the Bimah (the rough equivalent of a pulpit in a church) and read from the Torah, something that is not countenanced in Orthodoxy. Also because I believe that religious rules should be closely examined to find out why they are there, what purpose they serve and can they be reinterpreted for the modern world? What worries me is I’ve seen a creeping takeover by the Left of various non-Orthodox groups. Communal apathy and not taking any interest in who is running our organisations has seen Leftists achieve high office and these Leftists then hire like minded people who then ensure that few other voices other than Leftists are heard. I was forced out of one synagogue where the Left took over because I refused to parrot the phrase ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ and counselled caution in dealing with Islamic groups who exploit naive Jews in order to burnish their own public image.

      • Thanks for info. MSM distortiion I assume to railroad Jews to ‘must support Labour’. If they don’t, not welcome on msm – Melanie Philips

        Communal apathy and not taking any interest in who is running our organisations has seen Leftists achieve high office

        True, but not so much apathy as better things to do with time. Boring, bitter Left love meetings, bureaucracy etc to whine, then they takeover running. See most Forums, torrent sites, youtube, web

        CoE similarly taken over by Left – I no longer attend

        • No problem. Personally I think that the MSM distortion of categorising British Jews as leaning Left is bloody dangerous as well as being dishonest. There is a public reaction building against the destructive Left and this false view of all Jews leaning Left is going to end up making British Jews targets if or when this reaction explodes.

          I completely agree with you about the boring bitter Left and their takeover of groups and other entities. I also agree with you on the subject of the CoE. That also has fallen to the Left. I imagine that some of its more muscular leaders such as Cosmo Lang must be spinning in their graves at the antics of the likes of Welby etc

  3. I remember on seeing Spike Lee’s ‘Mo Better Blues’ when it came out in 1990, a lesson was learned for me that day. For a director who was trying to make non stereotyped portrayals of African Americans for the screen, his caricature of the greedy Jews was straight out of an old NASDAP poster, grasping hands, hook noses and all. Lifting prejudice for some, but not for others.

    The fact that the Jews have a CV of death, suffering and oppression to rival any, but one which nevertheless does not seem to have at all hampered their ability to progress and make successes lives for themselves wherever they are, rather gives the lie to the whole current BLM schtick. It must be immensely galling for them.

    And next time that one hears Billie Holliday singing that most haunting and exemplary summation of the African American experience, ‘Strange Fruit’, remember that it was written by a Jew.

  4. I have never understood anti-semitism, I can understand peoples concerns about their culture being overwhelmed by incomers who make little attempt to contribute or assimilate. Jews though tend to be so well integrated that you need to examine their d!ck to be certain.
    Surely the left’s dislike of them must be based on more than Marx himself being an anti-semite or Trotsky being Jewish.

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