Oh, What a Surprise…

Covid-19 will fizzle out on its own.

The coronavirus, once an ‘aggressive tiger’ of a disease, has weakened and become more like a wild cat, according to a top Italian doctor.

Professor Matteo Bassetti said he is convinced the virus is ‘changing in severity’ and patients are now surviving infections that would have killed them before.

And if the virus’s weakening is true, Covid-19 could even disappear without a for a vaccine by becoming so weak it dies out on its own, he claimed.

Those of us who understand how to look at historical events were already aware of this. Hence the lock-down sceptics saying that this should have been allowed to works its way through the population, building up natural immunity, while taking care to isolate those most vulnerable.

After all, we have had similar outbreaks in the past and we didn’t wet our knickers over it. Indeed, those previous outbreaks’ viruses are still with us, just as Covid-19 will still be with us. It is the way of things. What isn’t, is trashing the economy and our civil liberties over a viral outbreak with a death toll similar to the outbreak in 1968, and the one at the turn of the millennium.

Of course, Dr Bassetti is off message, so he is being shouted down. Well, there’s a surprise.


  1. The graph that I have been keeping an eye on only covers new cases on a daily basis with no details of how severe each case might be. It seems to have levelled off at just over a thousand new cases per day. Hector Drummond seems to be the place to go for more detailed breakdowns but these need a bit more time and effort to digest before you can come to any conclusions. Weaker strains of these kinds of bug spread more easily than the nastier ones so presumably that has been happening along with lots of people building up an immunity to it.

    • I visit Hectors place every day and do try to make time to digest the stats. The most interesting one thus far shows fewer Londoners died last week than the 5 year average. If that becomes a continuing trend and extends to the rest if the country (which it might because you can’t die of Covid in April and then again of underlying causes that were going to kill you in July) we might end up with an annual tally of mortality much the same as usual (except for deaths caused by Lockdown perhaps balanced by fewer RTAs and industrial injuries).

      • Ireland reporting All Death totals for March and April LESS than in the two previous years. WTF !
        (Computing Forever, YouTube 23-6-20).

  2. I was off message too. I said the same; re lockdown the vulnerable and let it rip. I reckoned 50,000 deaths max. (Medical microbiologist BTW)

  3. With normal people, if the facts contradict your theories you change your theories, With the left, if the facts contradict your theories you change the facts.

  4. Most here figured out that Covid would die down this year but come back next to have another go at those it missed but this is the first time I have heard of the disease itself becoming less deadly.
    It should not surprise me though because I have long been aware (from the interesting people I speak to over the years) that diseases come in a spectrum from highly contagious, very deadly and very robust to not very contagious, not very dangerous and feeble.
    The common cold is very contagious, quite robust but not at all dangerous for most people.
    Ebola is not particularly contagious, very deadly but quite feeble.
    Perhaps Covid is emerging to be a bit contagious, quite dangerous to Some people but very feeble if it dies of its own accord after just one season.
    All of this is, of course, with hindsight and I would not use to to lay blame on those who ordered the initial lockdown but it was obvious at the time that it should have been lifted after three weeks ( I say that even though I’ve been fortunate enough to be out and about earning (most of) my living throughout).

    The elderly people who were saying before lockdown that ‘they should let it run its course like usual’ are re-emerging very angry at losing 3 months of their latter years and for what ? Nothing. Banners slung across the High Street (and others) instructing them which side of the road they are permitted to walk on and in which direction when they go into town being forced to wear a stupid and useless mask on the bus to queue outside Tesco in the rain.

    • UTBB, the problem as shown in the comments above was that we didn’t need hindsight – just a knowledge of history.
      And that is what the young do not have anymore. Education has been dumbed down to such a degree that very few have any idea of what has been before and thus everything that happens now is new, unknown and terrifying.
      Plus a lot of people do not have the concept of critical thinking and believe whatever they are told by the ‘experts’. If I hear someone say something on tv I don’t blindly accept, I go away and confirm it via other sources.

      Add to that our political ‘leaders’ not leading for fear of the newspaper headlines and the MSM absolutely relishing pushing fear porn 24-7.

      • I find the complete lack of critical thinking disturbing. I was talking online to a teacher a week or so back about historical context and revisionism. It became clear that she had no idea what I was talking about when she referred to me as an apologist for slavery and thought that a straw man meant clutching at straws… This idiot is indoctrinating impressionable young minds.

      • Thank you Addolff, that was just me virtue signalling my forgiving nature.

        To be fair most young people I have encountered during the ‘crisis’ have been quite relaxed about Covid and against the lockdown especially those in the care sector. They may not know much about history but might know something about medicine and while benefiting from not going to university they probably listen to wise advice from their Nans.

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