Media Twats

Anxious to have a go at Katie Hopkins the Mirror wades in all guns blazing.

Racist Katie Hopkins has finally been given the boot – for good this time – from Twitter.

The site recently confirmed that the far-right extremist has been permanently banned for her “hateful conduct”.

Yawn, daring to troll the far left does not make someone a racist, nor does it make them far right. And it seems that saying “hung like a baboon” is now hateful conduct. What’s interesting is that she was responding to a rape threat. Is the person making the threat to be kicked off? Somehow I doubt it, for if there is one thing that is consistent with big tech, the media and the far left (but I repeat myself) it is their double standards.

While it’s not clear where her career will go next, losing her Twitter platform – where she was retweeted by Donald Trump – is a huge setback for Hopkins and her bigoted views.

Bigot when used by the media and the far left is simply code for not being on-message (see also “far right” and racist). She is certainly a provocateur, but that isn’t bigoted. As for where next, if these cretins were actual journalists as opposed to being far left activists masquerading as journalists, they would know the answer to that one.


It’s not as if it’s any secret. It’s right there in the open, she says so to Sky News Australia, but the cretins in the far left media can’t even manage that little bit of basic journalism. Not that this surprises me, for the modern journalist wouldn’t know the principles of researching a story if it landed in their lap and was wrapped in a ribbon marked “research”. Not only that, but a little bit of actual research will tell you that there has been a significant move towards Parler. Presumably by those who want to hear what she has to say, so Twatter has achieved nothing other than to expose their own far left credentials.

How long before Parler gets the Gab treatment?


  1. Since when did making sensible observations with a bit of wind up perspective make anyone ‘far right’ or racist? What utter bollox from the Mirror. Pity the paper isn’t absorbent.

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