
Having trashed his relationship with his literary agent, this moron is getting out the JCB in an effort to find some relevance.

A transgender author who quit JK Rowling’s literary agency today declared she had ‘got in with the wrong crowd’ who had made her ‘very scared’ of trans people.

I presume that his preferred genre is fantasy, because that is what this bollocks is. Rowling is merely referring to biology – our sex is determined by our chromosomes. Fuck all to do with falling in with the wrong crowd and there is no evidence that she is scared of trans people. She is merely saying what the silent majority know but are afraid to say – a person who menstruates is a biological woman. This is simply a fact. Facts don’t care about the fragile feelings of trans activists.

Fisher said today that Ms Rowling had failed to ‘open her eyes’ on the issue and claimed The Blair Partnership had refused to release a public statement in support of transgender people and claimed it had retweeted ‘toxic’ tweets on the issue from an official account.

More woke word salad. Her eyes are perfectly open. She is able to recognise biological fact and said as much. As for the Blair Partnership, well done for not bowing to the demands of these wannabe despots. Why should they make a statement? Their business is about book sales, not politics. If someone asked me to make a statement on behalf of my motorcycle training business or as an author working with Leg Iron Books, I would respond just as they did.

I also approve of their reaction to the idea that they needed re-education. The Soviet Union used their gulags for people accused of wrongthink. These people are the spawn of that ideology.

Fox also suggested that because of JK’s huge sales the agency ‘is not an equal playing ground’ for trans authors because it was ‘built around her’.

Ah, petty jealousy. The agency uses the usual methods to determine whether to take an author onto its client list – is their writing good enough to sell? Not whether they are trans or not. That is an irrelevance.

I just think that if she opened her eyes and saw that transgender women are women then we’d be able to move forward

A transwoman still has XY chromosomes. They remain biologically male. Which is what Rowling correctly pointed out. Let’s be very clear here – a transwoman is not a woman, hence the trans bit in front.

Fisher identifies as a non-binary trans person, meaning they prefer to use the pronoun ‘they’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’.

A pretentious fuckwit who threw a temper tantrum that failed to have its desired effect because the adults in the room refused to play the game. Now fuck off into well deserved obscurity.

They added: ‘It is not an equal playing ground. JK Rowling is an absolutely huge author and the agency was created around JK Rowling. Even combined we’d never have the same sales as she does. Since December I’ve been trying to speak to the agency about JK Rowling’s tweets and while I’d never be able to change her views – or demand to – all we wanted really was an open conversation’.

What other authors who use the agency say, do or think is none of your damned busienss. There is no conversation to be had. All the agency is interested in is book sales, because that is what their business is about. Pandering to your activism is not a part of that.

Some staff at Hachette told bosses they were unhappy working on The Ickabog. In response, they were told that while they would not be forced to work on books they disagreed with, they should not down tools over views that were nothing to do with the book in question, a fairytale.

Failing that, the door is over there, don’t let it hit you on the way out.

Hachette issued a statement siding with Miss Rowling’s right to freedom of speech.

Good. Perhaps the sensible grown ups are staging a fightback. About bloody time, too.


  1. I’ll give it three days until a grovelling apology is issued by the agents, accompanied by a pledge to do better and to educate themselves on the immense obstacles put in the way of the four dozen trans people in the country.

    • I dunno. Rowling is standing her ground. It will pay both agent and publisher to do likewise. Also, their comments about re-education struck a particular chord. I think that someone in that agency has a spine and isn’t afraid to use it.

  2. I rather liked the quote from the Blair Partnership spokesman who said “These clients have decided to leave because we did not meet their demands to be re-educated to their point of view.”

    • Yes. The founding partner is about my age, I think, so less inclined to be woke, but also old enough to understand the sinister nature of the term.

  3. It used to be that language was a means of facilitating understanding. Now it’s a bludgeon.

    • It’s also being used to facilitate totalitarianism. My way or the highway. I am right and no dissent is allowed.

  4. ‘they’ of course is plural, the only pronoun I will use for such persons is ‘it’.
    Fantastic, not a single Mail comment in its favour
    “Maybe you should write something people want to read”.
    Sadly I have never taken to Harry Potter or this farago might have tempted me to buy one of JKs books.

  5. It is a noted fact that over male to “it” sex changes result in depression and suicide within 5 years of “transitioning”.

    I would consider it morally right to dissuade people from doing something that is likely to cause them to commit suicide because of their decision.

    They need their heads looking at, not their dangly bits cut off.

    • Oops – for some reason the comment screwed up. the first sentence should read:

      It is a noted fact that over 40% of male to “it” sex changes result in depression and suicide within 5 years of “transitioning”.

      Because the hormones and drugs needed to change their bodies (develop breasts etc.) cause mood swings, paranoia and other undesirable clinical side effects. But that is ignored because the “professionals” don’t want to be sued for refusing the operation or actively want to encourage the people concerned to do so.

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