
No second wave.

While I agree such a scenario is terrifying and would be horrific, what I’m going to say will ruffle some feathers, but I feel it must be said: I just don’t think there’s going to be a second wave.

Viruses tend to come in, do their worst and then fizzle out as they mutate into less virulent strains. Hong Kong flu was such an example.

Besides, those who are screeching about second waves when seeing telephoto images of Bournemouth beach seem to be forgetting at around two weeks ago, we had rioters ignoring the absurd social distancing rule and where is the second wave they caused?

Anyway, although Dr Cannon doesn’t think there will be a second wave, she still supports the illiberal bollocks about wearing face masks and handing over contact details to publicans – which I refuse to do. I will not enable the new normal.


  1. There has been a slight uptick on the graph of new cases that I’ve been monitoring. Of course it gives no information about how serious the cases are or even how they are being counted but I think that it gives a reasonable idea of which direction things are going.

    On June 19th there were 1,346 new cases, the numbers then went down every day so that by the 24th they were down to 652. 25th, 26th and 27th scores were 1,118 1,380 and 890. So it is like a sawtooth on the graph but the general trend is still down.

    • I’m dubious. Are the “new cases” the result of more widespread testing detecting those who have been infected and not showing symptoms or actual people turning up in doctors surgeries with illness causing them suffering?

      If 100% of the population of (for the sake of the discussion) 65 million were tested and 50% had the virus but no symptoms would that be a ZOMG!!!! 32.5 million new cases?

      The sneaky buggers are playing with numbers to keep the panic up, methinks.

    • County Council Chief Exec announces “Covid numbers remain low and are going down. Recent visitors in large numbers have not had any effect on the local population”.

      • Yes, I understand that these numbers are of limited value due to not knowing how they are compiled. The only thing that can really be deduced is the direction that the numbers are going. The figure for the 28th is 901 so the trend is up from yesterday by a trivial amount.

        • Stoneyground, my reply to you was in no way intended to rebut your argument, was just to add a little local background by way of confirmation.

  2. Ever since it became clear that Covid was simply another seasonal virus (albeit serious for some) there was never going to be a second wave. It may well return in Winter to have another go at the same vulnerable people that it missed this time. It should be up to them to shield themselves (with support as necessary) while the rest of us get on with life.
    The Government’s own figures show vast swathes of the West and Midlands clear of Covid, its lingering up North because it got there late.
    Most of the local upticks are mass infections within meat processing plants because they don’t do Summer inside them (same in Europe, especially Germany & Spain).

    As you know the Telegraph is behind a paywall so how come goggle pushed an article top of my newsfeed which was largely a promo for WHO saying how much worse it was going to get that I could read in full ?

    In addition to the Track’n’Trace crowd twiddling their thumbs I now hear that our regional Test Centre is getting about twenty people in each day presumably because we can’t be arsed.

    The only mystery is why the Phoney Virus scaremongering ? Is it Big Hospitality and Big Personal Beauty/Fitness/Tattoo hoping to close down the Independents or are ‘They’ just enjoying the power trip ?

    • Clickbate headline on Local Live online.
      ” British City Could Have First UK Local Lockdown”.
      Local ? Covers just about everywhere except Ulster.

  3. The localised outbreak in Leicester is even more localised, it’s within a tight area of ethnic communities, hence the reluctance to impose any special measures for fear of sparking a ‘Black Viruses Matter’ backlash.
    If they impose tight lockdowns there, that would be claimed as discriminatory, but if they don’t and large numbers of duskies die, they’ll get whipped with that lash instead. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
    Who said governing was easy?

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