Simple Solution

We have another sanctimonious twat – who should have some basic understanding of biology – lecturing us on wearing face nappies.

An NHS doctor has demonstrated how masks do not affect breathing – before urging everyone to ‘stop being selfish’ and help protect the country.

In the video shared to Twitter, Dr Joshua Wolrich, 30, from London, can be seen sitting alongside a piece of medical machinery which monitors his oxygen saturation levels before and after wearing a mask – and the numbers don’t change,


For a brief period of time, they won’t. If you have to wear them for an extended period of time or while doing any manual labour (and no, the examples given don’t count as manual labour nor an extended time period), you will be breathing back your exhaled CO2. Having worn masks at one time on a motorcycle, I can assure you that they get soggy and warm, providing a breeding ground for all sorts of nasties. Which is why I don’t wear them, preferring a decent quality helmet that minimises draughts and does away with the need for balaclavas and snoods and I am breathing fresh air. A warm, damp bit of cloth wrapped around your face is incredibly uncomfortable.

Given that this individual apparently studied medicine, he should have a basic grasp of biology. I didn’t but I do, and I understand that our bodies have immune systems. The data we are now getting is telling us that our immune systems are working precisely as they are supposed to (most of those exposed either don’t get it at all, are asymptomatic or get only mild symptoms), but we still have pompous poltroons like Dr Joshua Wolrich presuming to lecture us. To which, I say “go fuck yourself!”

Alongside the video, which has garnered over 18, 000 likes, the caption reads: ‘Masks categorically do not reduce oxygen saturation. This is a lie made up as an excuse by those who believe the pandemic is a hoax and that wearing a mask somehow encroaches on their rights. This is not an issue of freedom.’

Oh, FFS! The pandemic has been massively over-hyped. The lies and machinations along with deliberate misrepresentation of the data is so transparent, that it’s obvious they are no longer trying as they make up any old contradictory shit and the hard of thinking herd just repeat it blindly: “stay home, stay safe, protect the NHS”. Bullshit, all of it. It is absolutely a matter of freedom, for without freedom, there is no point. You know, clichéd, it may be, but I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

My father and my mother in law in their eighties and nineties respectively went about their business pretty much as usual during the lock-down. Both of them have lived through a war, so have a grasp of risk that the current generation does not (the Luftwaffe bombing the shit out of your home tends to do that). Again, they knew that if they caught Covid-19, they were in the high risk group, but speaking to both of them, they took that view – to take the risk rather than be cowed into not living at all. Both are a damned sight more robust that Dr Joshua Wolrich.

Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, Joshua, who wears a mask during his 12 hour shifts,  explained: ‘When I see people making excuses online and pretending things aren’t real then of course, it is incredibly infuriating.

Oh, do get over yourself. We pay you to fix us when we go wrong, not to lecture us with your alarmist propaganda. We do not need to wear masks and your own profession reached that conclusion several weeks ago when randomised trials came to the conclusion that at best they are a placebo and at worst encourage more risky behaviour – or don’t you bother with the BMJ?

This is about trying to undo the fear created by an hysterical media and a compliant government that lacked the necessary fortitude to tell them to fuck off and die when they screamed out of context figures in their alarmist headlines as they raged against irrelevance. Now we have a terrified and cowed populace that has become afeared of its own shadow and won’t go out to the shops because of the killer virus – you know, the one that has a kill rate of less than 1% and succeeded in giving us nothing more than a bad flu season this year – or don’t you bother with the ONS figures?

‘It’s been difficult enough to have the number of conversations with bereaved families over the last few months because of what’s been going on. I don’t want to be doing that any more.’

There’s a simple solution to that: get another job. Medicine, along with the emergency services means that you sign up to do precisely that. Stop whining and get on with it.

Otherwise it’s just the same old people who believe this is a conspiracy to make us vaccinate and that there is no virus and that it’s all a lie.’

Yes, the standard facile slurs issued by those who don’t like it when people challenge their assertions. We are the same old people who do their own fact checking, who have a basic understanding of science, (biology in particular), history and statistics. Critical thinking is not believing in conspiracy theories despite the slur – indeed, it is precisely the opposite. Of course the virus exists. So does the human immune system. We should be using it as it is designed to be used. As for the vaccine, I presume this fatuous bull’s-pizzle understands what a single-strand RNA virus is, and how rapidly it mutates, making any attempts to secure a vaccine becoming an ongoing chase as the virus changes faster than the developers can keep up?

He added: ‘It’s important to stress this isn’t a political issue, this is a health issue.

Of course it’s a political issue. Now fuck off and stop patronising us.


  1. Otherwise it’s just the same old people who believe this is a conspiracy to make us vaccinate and that there is no virus and that it’s all a lie.’”

    Classic straw man. If you have to resort to those it strongly suggests that you don’t have a case.

    The BMJ is having a bit of a credibility crisis just now. Thinking that it is their business to pontificate about climate change and publishing, and then hurriedly withdrawing, medical studies based on the orange man bad theory of medicine seem to be damaging their reputation.

  2. Oh dear, another 20 minutes up ticking the best comments and red ticking the idiots.

    Not so good at science but fairly strong on history which is why I thought it was scary at first (knew about Antonines and Justinians plagues etc.); got a Pass ‘0’ Level Stats so I’m quite comfy with the ONS stuff especially when graphed out weekly at Hectors place.

    I’m awaiting delivery from Amazon of a laminated card (inc lanyard) reading “I have a disability/health condition and am exempt from wearing a mask. Thank You.”
    I might change the last bit to ‘so fuck off ‘.

  3. Fell into conversation with the night manager of middlingly large Tesco. He has 250 staff of which 3 wear masks, all do on-line picking so never meet the customers.

    I expect his problem will be the finger waggers demanding he does something about the unmasked criminals.

  4. It’s the same old gatekeeper problem.
    NHS doctors lurve being gatekeepers and absolutely hate the idea from most other systems where you can go and see a specialist direct.

    It was people like Joshua Wolrich who were opposed to the bible being translated from Latin and printed on the new fangled printing presses in local language.
    Dammed peasants reading the Bible for themselves instead of doing what the priesthood directs.

  5. My wife is a radiographer in a large London hospital. They only wear masks when necessary because unless you go about your business very slowly, you quickly run out of breath as I found myself when using one. So that dickhead is either lying or not doing very much.

  6. Just ask him to film a tik tok video wearing a mask with an SpO2 monitor on and see what the results are then.

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