Wrong Question

The Daily Fail asks two women if it’s okay to date someone with different political views (declaration: I have and it was fine).

Twitter has learned that actress Jodie Comer is dating a Republican who is presumed to be a Donald Trump supporter: a man named James Burke.

She must, the cancel club has decided, ditch him for someone who shares her Leftist politics. If she won’t, the hashtag #jodiecomer isoverparty may trend for ever.

As you might expect, being a liberal (in the dictionary sense) I agree with Tanya Gold. Flora Gill comes across as a narcissistic control freak, so all the red flags would be flying vigorously in the breeze. Anyone thinking of dating her needs to run like fuck and then run some more.

However, the question is the wrong one. Twitter has decided (well the psychopaths who inhabit that particular cesspit) that it is their business who Jodie Comer is dating. The question therefore, is this: “what fucking business is it of yours?” Closely followed by a graphic instruction about where, precisely, they can place their instructions about whom she may date.

Why does anyone with any grey matter give these vacuous arseholes the time of day, let alone even consider their opinions as being worthy of any consideration whatsoever. A “fuck off” is the only reasoned response to such behaviour – and anyone telling me that I should dump someone because they don’t like that person’s politics will get just such a response.


  1. MrsBud has a couple of incorrect views, but I’m a tolerant sort of guy so I overlook her imperfections and love her anyway.

  2. Provided it’s legal it is never anybody’s business who another person chooses to get close to.
    An early g/f was a lefty liberal who would now be a mask wearing remoaner but that was fine since we didn’t talk much and she was a great shag.
    Her mistake was giving the Wrong Answer when, out of deference to my allergy, I said “either the cat goes or I do”. Silly girl.

    • Overheard a conversation years ago between two blokes who were working in a superstore:
      Bloke 1: “me and the girlfriend were talking about getting a pet”.

      Bloke 2: “oh yeah”?

      Bloke 1: “Yeah, I wanted a cat but she wanted a dog”.

      Bloke 2: Ok, what did you do”?

      Bloke 1: “We compromised and got a dog”.

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