
Charlie Mullins gets it.

That’s it. Furlough is over, at least as far as my company is concerned. I am not prepared to contribute to a culture where people sit at home and do nothing.

As the founder of Pimlico Plumbers, London‘s largest independent plumbing company, I’ve heard all the excuses – people are worried about catching Covid-19, or they’re afraid of infecting a vulnerable relative who is self-isolating.

But to any employee who tells me that they don’t want to come back, who wants to string out the furlough till the Government closes the scheme in October, I’ve got one thing to say: we don’t want you back. So far I’ve already told 30 former staff: ‘Don’t bother coming in, ever.’

Precisely. I’ve been itching to get back to work since March, but the DVSA only opened their doors on the 13th of July at which point I was forced into isolation for a hospital admission. Consequently, I’m back later this week and raring to go.

If you want to sit on your arse hiding away from a virus that was highly unlikely to kill you in the first place, then why should an employer be expected to finance your cowardice?


  1. I thought it was a big over reaction and naively thought I would be back in a couple of weeks. After two and a half months in mid June, I rang up and told them I wanted to come back. I didn’t say, but I was worried I wouldn’t have a job to come back to if it carried on for much longer.
    My Mrs has been working all the way through it and during the peak, she got tired of people keep saying they should be on furlough as it wasn’t safe to come in. She told me they just thought they were missing out on some free paid leave and weren’t looking at the bigger picture.
    My brother-in-law said his firm was not going to shut until he complained it wasn’t safe to stay open, then everyone got put on furlough. I advised him to keep that information to himself, as it may not make him all the friends he thinks it would. He’s still off work now and starting to panic, but the company are not responding to his requests for information on when he can come back

    • Guy I know was told he was likely to have to go on furlough, immediately pulled a sicky (he has been off with depression before, knew exactly what to tell the doctor, and got signed off there and then) and has been at home on full pay ever since. Idiot thinks he’s pulled a blinder, gaining an extra 20% pay, all I can see he’s done is paint on his forehead ‘No 1 on the redundancy list’.
      He works in non-food retail as well, how short sighted do you have to be to not realise that shutting all the shops for months might just impact on the employment prospects of the employees?

      Some people can’t see beyond their own noses.

  2. Good to hear you are getting back to work Longrider, lots of mc training trios round these parts.
    3 months ago I mentioned that their was no shortage of volunteers for furlough in my companys office, we are now back full up and running 24 hours but there are usually just 2 people now in the office, used to 6-8 on 3 shifts.
    Those still claiming to be ‘scared’ to go back to work are either liars or spineless wankers none of whom deserve a job, especially teachers.

    I’ve been Fortunate to be working throughout, so have shopworkers and care staff/nurses, are we less vulnerable than the teachers who have the advantage of being young, mostly, and female(ish).

  3. Saw Charlie on Jeremy Vine yesterday. Eminently sensible. Yasmin alibaba brown though tried every which way to spin it that people were refusing to go back to work because of genuine concerns for their safety and he was being an evil, rich capitalist, but he told her they’d been sharing videos of BBQ’s, picnics and beaches so weren’t scared of covid, just going back to work (she also had a dig at him being in his villa in Marbella, till he explained he has a company in Spain too…..).
    She is one evil piece of humanity.

    • Alibaba Brown is such a vacuous bint surely even Graun readers cringe when she is spouting for their side.
      Charlie though is classic working boy done good for himself, not the sort luvvies like.

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