On The Other Hand…

…it probably won’t.

Children returning to school in September will trigger a devastating second wave of Covid-19 that could infect twice as many as the first unless the test and trace system drastically improves, a major study has claimed.

Do these people actually look at real world evidence? It would appear not. The likelihood of children going back to school resulting in some tsunami of covid cases is highly unlikely. No, I’m not an epidemiologist, nor am I a virologist. I am, however, capable of looking at the evidence before me and drawing sensible conclusions. This virus has done exactly the same as previous corona viruses. It is now in retreat – sure the occasional localised spike will occur, but we expect that – and as it does so it will mutate into a less virulent strain and will pop its head up every winter to take out a few people. That’s what these viruses do in the real world – they cull the elderly and the dying. We have been living with these pathogens long enough to realise how it works.

But the papers, the politicians, the enemy class really, really want that second wave to justify their panic, hysteria and hyperbole. Otherwise, they will end up looking pretty stupid. Instead of having the common decency to recognise that they got it wrong, they merely keep digging. And digging.

By now, no one should be taking them seriously, but oddly enough, despite their catalogue of failure, people do.


  1. I don’t know which is more frightening: that this Govt is completely inept and willing to go to any lengths to save face no matter the price that we, not they, will have to pay or that the Govt is dancing to the tune of the globalists and ushering in Agenda 21.

    • I think it’s more ineptitude and fear of headlines driving them than conspiracy. They lack the ability to run a decent conspiracy, frankly.

      • But Agenda 21 isn’t a conspiracy – I believe that it’s been published by the UN unless by conspiracy you mean a less than generous interpretation of how the globalists intend to achieve their objectives.

  2. The problem isn’t the children being “spreaders”, it’s not frit parents, it’s the teachers…

  3. It’s 10 weeks since fewer Londoners were dying (all deaths) than the 5 year average, a pattern that spread to the whole country 4 weeks ago. Not from facefuck or twatter but the guvermentals own Office of National Statistics.
    Why do they ignore their own statistics ?
    Schools: see Holland where the schools went back full on for a month, no social distancing, no mini part time classes, no second wave.Are out Dutch friends more immune to this fucking virus than we are ?

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