Fuck the BBC

The BBC hates everything about Britain and its culture and heritage, including Rudyard Kipling. It is an insidious organisation, spreading poison through the land along with its cousin, the Guardian.

The BBC has banned Rudyard Kipling’s Mandalay from its VJ Day commemorations after a performer involved complained that a section of it is ‘derogatory to people of colour’. Mandalay tells the tale of the suffering of Tommy Atkins, an ordinary soldier who fought tirelessly in battle only to be consigned to oblivion once peacetime was achieved.

Kipling and the people he was writing about stand head and shoulders above the post modern progressive scum at the BBC.

Here, then, is the poem these vile people so despise. Fuck you all and the horse you rode into town on. And if anyone is offended by this, go fuck yourself.


  1. They better not come to Westward Ho! We celebrate the author as he was at school in the area, but then it’s next to ‘the little white Town’ so perhaps they’ll stay away.

  2. I went to school in the little white town between 1968 and 1974. The school ran from 1954 to 2009, We often went to Westward Ho for school acivities and once we were on local T.V. cleaning up the beach! Kipling was read to us often, a local hero! As this demonization of cultural stalwarts continues due to the submission by spineless, ignorant cretins accelerates, sadly the U.K. will slide ever further into 3rd world status.

  3. Not having had a telly licence for 15 years there is little I can do to further fuck off the BBC except to wallow in the knowledge that I have thus far defunded them of about £2,000.

    Perhaps I might pretend to be the Vicar of Whitehaven and invite them to fo Songs Of Praise there.

  4. Sir Willard White, who was selected to perform said poem, apparently didn’t feel ‘comfortable’ at the line that refers to the Buddha as heathen, or the sentiment that one God was superior to another. Just as well that Orde Wingate didn’t have to rely on him as a member of the Chindits, far behind Japanese lines. ‘I say, Willard, would you mind awfully fighting the Japanese, or might any implied superiority make you feel uncomfortable?’

  5. I am one of the many who, also, don’t have a tv licence, but I would gladly have bought one just to see Jim Davidson reciting that poem on the BBC VJ Day programme, after which we could listen to the heads of people like Linecker and Maitlis exploding. What a glorious night that would have been.

  6. I hardly ever watch the BBC so I wouldn’t have known about this if you hadn’t mentioned it. I quite like Pointless but that’s about it.

    • Having thought about this. Apart from the people who already agree with their lefty woke shit, does anyone else listen to or watch their output? Yes it is annoying that we are forced to pay for them but, if all they are doing is preaching to the converted, then their influence is likely to be rather limited.

  7. Sir Willard White won’t recite it? No problem. Get someone who will. They’ll be queuing down the street

  8. Dear Longrider I fear that you are far too late.
    The BBC was totally fucked years ago. Extreme self pleasuring.
    Every now and then I catch a little gem in an obscure corner of BBC 4 or on RadioFour Extra, or even Radio3.
    I am sure that great minds at the Beeb are working on how they make Bells on Sunday more diverse or climate aware. Now gamelan would be nice now and then.

    • Lol “Bells On Sunday” – best programme on R4 :> I remember someone writing in to “Feedback” to complain that the Beeb had misidentified the church the week before and it brought a smile that there was an individual who recognised that the bells hadn’t come from St Mary the Virgin in Little Smeghorn but from St Peter the Apostle in Great Lychthorpe and that he cared enough to take the trouble to point this out. 🙂

  9. Amazingly enough I am not offended. I think old Rudyard can be summed up in one line: “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din”. The snowflake who complained should have been told to grow up and to Foxtrot Oscar if he didn’t like it.

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