Even the BBC

I suppose that it is better late than never.

The constant mantra is the virus must be suppressed and contained. But how do you do this when people can be infectious without knowing they have it? Where it can be passed on silently because people do not develop symptoms?

The nation has been brought to a standstill once at immense cost to the economy, education and health more generally. And now with cases rising there is the threat of new national restrictions, while large parts of the country have already found themselves back in partial lockdown. But are we fighting a losing battle? Do we instead need to learn to live with the virus?

* my emphaisis

Well, blow me down. There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repenteth and all that. The rest of us who were paying attention rather than be swept up in the hysterical over reaction have been saying this all along. Indeed, over at the Daily Mail,  one of Triggle’s colleagues in the journalism profession, Peter Hitchens, has been saying this since March as he calmly dismantled the nonsense being peddled by the media and by governments.

But, still, at least they are saying it openly. How long before the trickle becomes a flood? How long before the government’s position becomes untenable?


  1. Not soon enough. We knew all this back at the beginning of April, not with certainty of course, but the evidence pointed that way.

    All we need to do is shield, and I mean really shield the vulnerable (machine gun towers, sheep dips that kind of thing), until it’s run its course.

    We really should be encouraging the uni returnees to get out, get hammered and shag each other relentlessly. They’re not going to die from it, they’ll pass it to their slightly more vulnerable olds, who still won’t die from it, and build up a nice immune barrier for the vulnerable.

    Any parent will tell you that they’ve never been so ill since they had kids. More so little uns, walking Petri dishes that they are. Let the youth do what they do best and mingle, lots. It’ll gradually filter its way up through society and protect the rest.

    Sadly, I think we’re fucked though. If Simon Dolan’s court challenge hadn’t conveniently been postponed until after the likely extension of the Corona virus regulations we may have had a better chance.

    • Certainty enough compared to the fictional certainty that lockdown was working, or ever could work, there are academic papers galore on this topic from the various non-pandemics of the 2020s…..

      • It’s the disdain for evidence that frustrates me. And you get people who are supposed to be intelligent simply repeating the mantra about “the science” when scientific process has been thoroughly corrupted to the point where it is a religion.

        • Plus the bed-wetters who trot out “if it saves one life” – one such woman on C4 News today

          Try telling them >22,000 have died due to lockdown and NHS Closed and they blankly stare, then hypnotically repeat “if it saves one life”

          I have been discharged from Orthopaedics for not attending March, April & June appointments NHS cancelled – see your GP to be re-refereed

          Cousin “discharged” by Mental Health SW as they hadn’t seen her for 4 months – as they would not visit. See your GP…

          • I was wondering what had happened to the 10 million on the waiting list as newly diagnosed patients are getting straight into hospital.

      • Agreed, certain enough that we at least try the herd immunity in any case.

        We had an idea of the infection to hospitalisation lag from early on, you’d likely see which way the stats were heading within 2-3 weeks. Instead we have this tripe.

        But the whole fucking lot of them should hang their heads in shame, there was no questioning of the narrative in the early days.

        You could understand some reticence on that point very early, as we weren’t too sure what we were dealing with, but even the there were plenty of “proper” scientists struggling to be heard.

        I hope there’s enough wood for a multiperson gallows, could do it in batches of 100, would be done at the seventh round. Might seem harsh but they have killed people. Fuck em.

        • The Two Doomsters on Monday:
          – “Only 8% of UK population are immune”

          Whut? That is a blatant lie. If it were true we’d have had over 1 million UK deaths by now. Carl H etc support view we have reached herd immunity

    • Certainty enough compared to the fictional certainty that lockdown was working, or ever could work, there are academic papers galore on this topic from the various non-pandemics of the late 20th / early 21st century…..

  2. I’m both surprised and delighted that even the woefully biased BBC has now come to its senses somewhat over the subject of Covid.

    LR you said: “But, still, at least they are saying it openly. How long before the trickle becomes a flood? How long before the government’s position becomes untenable?”

    I completely agree that this statement may be late but at least they are now saying it openly. There are indeed more people asking questions about the government’s monumentally stupid policy and as far as I am concerned this trickle needs to become a flood sooner rather than later in order to make the government’s position untenable.

  3. Perhaps the lockdown Karens are finally starting to realise that their enthusiastic endorsement of this year’s madness is not cost-free after all. Perhaps they are finally opening their eyes to children going off to universities that now charge the absolute Earth and aren’t even holding lectures, to P45s flooding forth in torrents and to an economy that’s so feeble it hardly even registers on its heart rate monitor now. Perhaps there will finally be a building groundswell against the massive infringement of civil liberties and cherished freedoms that we’ve all been subject to. Perhaps.

    • That’s why President Boris Xi announced Martial Law with troops on streets today – Dissent Verboten

      My hope is Army troops say “NO”

      • Apparently the troops will be kept in the background to allow more police on the streets – presumably so that we’re not frightened (rolling eyes).

        • Australians must ‘live alongside the virus’, not let it ‘dictate’ how we live: PM Morrison

          Says and does nothing for us Victorians living in a police State. We are Australians too, Morrison.
          Listen to the way this reporter talks to his audience. He should go to the ABC and host Playschool

          Prime Minister’s letters pressured Daniel Andrews to take 1,000 ADF troops

          Double ‘police’ numbers by each accompanied by soldier

          Coming soon to UK – Hancock’s been copying Kim Jong Dan for months: large fines, no protests, no friends/family, curfews

  4. Even the BBC?
    Nah. I think it is to late for that now.
    Think of the Titanic with its stern sticking straight up out of the water.

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