Martial Law

That is what this is.

Boris Johnson today announced he is making the Army available to help the police enforce stringent new coronavirus rules – backed up by swingeing fines – as he unveiled a wave of new measures designed to stop the spread of the disease.

Jesus Christ! I never thought that I would see in my lifetime such a descent into tyranny. And over what? A novel coronavirus that is no more virulent than seasonal flu. In a matter of weeks we have seen our democracy descend into rule by diktat and now troops on the streets. This is not Communist China, yet the Johnson government appears to be using this as their model.

Last November, lefties were claiming that Boris was a dictator in waiting. Personally, I was agnostic about him. While not exactly enamoured with his past performance, I looked at the alternative and figured that this was the least worst option. As it was, I was hospitalised, so was forced to abstain. But now… Now, those lefties are starting to look right.

I’m horrified. There is no evidence to support these draconian measures. A rise in cases that are asymptomatic isn’t a problem. Those likely to die have already done so. Evolutionary pressure has encouraged the virus to become less virulent to the point where people are only finding out that they either have it, or have had it, as a consequence of a positive test – a test that is so unreliable, it is likely a false positive anyway, but never mind, onto the stats it goes and “oh look, cases have doubled! Doubled I tell you.”

What the hell happened to release such rampant insanity onto the world? For it is not only our own government that has wheeled out the tyranny. Elsewhere in the Western world, the values of liberal democracy are lying dead under the tank tracks. All because of a relatively harmless coronavirus, something we have lived with for millennia and survived, something our immune systems are sufficiently well developed to withstand. And although I have said it before, it is not within the government’s purview to stop a virus. The hubris on display here must be visible on the ISS.


  1. Characters like David Stirling and the GB75 movement used to be the stuff of bogeyman stories about the excesses of the 1970s. Now we have a government (a Conservative government) that actually seems to be countenancing something not too far away. Unbelievable.

    As my 16-year old son so wryly said, “Covid 19, a disease so deadly that you need a test to find out whether you have it or not.”

  2. I’m completely horrified by this. Actually depressed about it as well as being horrified. The knowledge that the army is being brought out to back up the police is a world away from using the army’s resources to cover for essential services such as during Fire Brigade strikes, is in my view a step too far. I look back at history and see how badly it has turned out to use the Army in this manner. Peterloo redux anyone?

    I’ve now come to the conclusion that myself and other Britons are in far more danger from Boris Johnson’s government than we ever were from Covid.

    I suspect things will get much worse. I believe that based on what has happened so far a later step will be the arrest of ‘covid dissidents ‘ who challenge the narrative that the government has pushed. The Covid laws will be used by the State like the ‘hate speech’ laws as a method of suppressing dissent and punishing those whose views are not acceptable to the Government.

  3. You are SUPRISED?
    The tory right, claiming to be “Libertarians” are actually, if not actual fascists, ennablers of fascism ….
    Just like the mini-me followers of Trump & his actual-fascist entourage, desperately trying to restrict the fanchise & dis-empower the “wrong sort” of voters …..

  4. @LR
    Boris & co seem obsessed with creating fear and destruction. However, Labour & Libs opposition cheering it on with ‘more and faster’ demands

    Gov’t are fighting the “enemy” by destroying their own country and now going for scorched earth ‘eradicate the enemy at all costs’. They might as well order RN subs to unleash their Trident nuclear missiles on UK

    Today we have President Boris Xi announcing Martial Law with troops on streets with Labour support. As I’ve said before, Hancock following Kim Jong Dan lead (£10,000 fine if positive, or anyone near you positive*)

    All this over an infection partly responsible for ~1% of ~1,689 daily deaths

    Good Testing and False Positives Impact – Example from CEBM

    New “Cases” today were again <2% of all tested – ~98% will be false-positive

    * imo Never write true info on mandatory "test & trace" forms

    For Christ’s sake-WHY? WHY

  5. The problem as I see it is that the vast majority of our MPs are as thick as mince and clueless. This wasn’t too much of a problem when we were just bumbling along mostly just rubber stamping edicts from the EU. When we are faced with an actual real problem though the whole lot of them are shown to be completely out of their depth. They are unable to deal with it in a sane and rational manner because they are just too ignorant and stupid.

    • Unfortunately, so is a significant proportion of the population who spout “the science” as if it is some kind of magic mantra, having not the faintest clue about how scientific process actually works – or that there is no scientific evidence for mask wearing, the rule of six, two metres, curfews or even full lock-downs. We are surrounded and ruled by morons.

  6. Steady on – it’s not Kristallnacht Redux:

    “Downing Street said the military would be able to help fulfil certain police duties such as office roles and guarding protected sites to free up officers and would not be granted “additional powers”.

    The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “To further free up the police to have a greater presence on our streets they will have the option to draw on military support, where required, using tried and tested mechanisms.

    “This would involve the military back-filling certain duties, such as office roles and guarding protected sites, so police officers can be out enforcing the virus response.

    “This is not about providing any additional powers to the military, or them replacing the police in enforcement roles, and they will not be handing out fines. It is about freeing up more police officers.”

  7. I know a couple of people who have had this virus. One got over it months ago and is still drained and debilitated. Flu doesn’t leave with months or years of aftereffects like thi shit does.

    And Kate Garaway might disagree too given the state of her husband.

    The main problem is that people are ignoring solid advise and NOT taking it seriously. If they were then these sorts of measures wouldn’t be necessary.

    Things might be seen as over the top in the UK, but if you look around the world then we’re doing a lot better than some – France, Germany, Spain to name but a few. Whatever Boris does, he can’t win.

    However it’s a serious error of judgement to let Carrie bugger off to Lake Como with her mates in the middle of it all…

    • @Dioclese

      Flu and other viri do have long-term slow or never fully recover in some and similar number to C-19

      Only difference is msm don’t report it as “it’s normal”. Even a BBC Dr confirmed this

      Check facts before posting & feeding hysteria.

      • A friend of my father’s has permanent lung damaged caused by a bout of avian flu a few years back. This is not especially unusual as it is a known risk with corona viruses. Only a very small number of people suffer these consequences with the vast majority making a normal recovery. The outliers will be due to a variety of factors: Viral load, the strain they get and individual susceptibility.

        The difference between previous variants of coronavirus and this one is the hysterical over reporting of the outliers as if they are the majority. They are not. There is no credible evidence that those outliers are greater with Covid-19 than they were with avian flu, swine flu, Spanish flu and so on.

        • A few years ago I felt incredibly ill. When I was able after three days to actually get out of bed i got myself to a walk-in centre and was prescribed antibiotics which did no good; neither did a second course. After over three weeks I had to go back to work, still unwell and I’ve never recovered the energy levels I previously had. In fact, I wondered if I was subsequently suffering from ME. I’ve concluded that it was a truly nasty virus – perhaps a strain of a coronavirus as I’ve been left with a lung problem.

  8. It Is becoming increasingly clear to me that many of the measures now being introduced will become permanent.

    I will list them:
    * cashfree society
    * unable to travel or work without some sort of certificate
    * curfews for largely spurious reasons can be used to control uppity citizens
    * organinsing peaceful protests not approved of by the government – criminal record and huge fines

    It looks to me for all the world as though the chinese social credit system will be the end game.

    I am getting seriously concerned.

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