1. At our last election we had such lousy choices that I couldn’t bring myself to vote for any of them. In the US they really do excell in finding the worst people in the whole country to be presidential candidates. Trump is a pretty awful personality, but he loves America and what it stands for and I can’t see any American who has a shred of patriotism voting for anyone else. The Democrats hate America and want to destroy it. They are seriously talking about shutting down the oil industry. They support the anarchists and looters in the hope that they can pin the blame on Trump. They are openly talking about committing widespread voter fraud. But then people are idiots.

    • Race riots have a history of being good for the GOP. Also, the silent Trump voter will come out on polling day as the shy Tories do over here. I really do think the polls have got this one wrong.

      • got this one wrong?

        Have they got any major predictions over the last few years right? Brexit, 2016.

        They only speak to a little bubble about 500 yards around their office where like minded people are and they are phrased in such a way ‘Do you think that racist Trump will win?’ that people lie to them. I’ve been lying to them all my life but it seems to be a national pastime now.

      • I hope you are right, LR. I do believe that a Trump victory is likely but I can’t help thinking that the three witches (Pelosi, Cortez, and Omar) will not content themselves with “And when shall we three meet again”?

  2. I think that the Left in US, and now UK also, has become so violent and intimidating that a lot of people are afraid to tell pollsters a true story.. The Left have built a bubble of self-delusion and compelled people to say nicely “Yes Dear…”. They will be baffled by the result.
    In the ballot box however, rationality still holds….

    It has to be said that Trump has achieved a lot of good things in the 4 years, including many campaign promises: no new wars, 3 middle east peace treaties, defused the confrontation with the Norks, rebalancing China trade (and facing their threat) and walked away from the Paris Madness and Green crap.
    After the Covid episode, the Babylon Bee bit about Donald the White was both funny and exceptional campaign material.

    And we have Doris. Sigh.

    • There IS NO “Lfft” in the US, unless you count some sort of Social Democrat.
      Biden is about as left-wing as Harold Macmillan or Ted Heath ( Yes, I do remember )
      DJT isn’t intelligent enough to be a fascist, but the people behind him … are.

  3. The Democrats are control freaks. A very nasty underhand and vicious bunch of crooks. Aided by the US media headed by the New York Times who are unbelievably biased against Donald Trump. I really hope Mr Trump wins.

  4. But … but … the same polls predicted a Hillary Clinton win by about the same percentages (96% Felonia Von Pantsuit to Trump’s 4%) so this time they are BOUND to have it correct, surely?

    A combination of “if I say Trump, I will be attacked” and the lamestream media simply ignoring anything that doesn’t align with their story line is skewing the surveys 9at least in my opinion). That and the left threat of anarchy, rioting and civil disobedience no matter who wins will push even moderate Democrats into the trump camp.

    Remember, only about 100 professional Communists achieved the Russian revolution. But the Russian peasants were disarmed. Not so America.

    • I wouldn’t be surprised. The polls are so off the pulse these days – people lie to them. They don’t seem to learn. Expet plenty of salt to flow on the 4th.

    • I really wouldn’t be surprised. Early voting figures seem to point that way and reading elsewhere, Trump has stopped spending in Ohio, which is an indicator that the GOP feels they have the state in the bag. This is a fair indicator that he is likely to win the election.

      • Yes. It looks as if both Ohio and Florida are going to Trump. They are both ‘bellwether’ states, I believe. Since 1900, only twice has a presidential candidate won Ohio and not won the election. So if Trump wins both Ohio and Florida, he has an excellent chance of being re-elected.

        I think the Democrats are making the same mistakes they made in 2016: complacency, over-confidence, the feeling their candidate has got the election ‘in the bag’. Besides, look at the enthusiasm at Trump and Biden rallies. Several thousand people turn up at Trump rallies, while Biden can manage only several dozen people. Hell, there was a Biden rally in Pennsylvania about a week ago at which a few hundred Trump supporters showed up. They outnumbered the supporters of Sleepy Joe.

  5. Biden on equality and inclusivity

    Biden blurts out truth
    “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”

    The most honest thing he’s said throughout his entire campaign

    Steve Hilton spot on

    2020 presidential election and the people’s fight against the establishment.

    Trump’s foreign policy greatest of any president since WWII

    Like 2016, I hope and pray the shy patriotic majority will endorse Trump. If Biden wins world will have no idea who is running USA

    Mr President: “DRNK has invaded ally South Korea and fired ICBMs at Japan, what do we do?”
    Biden: “Dunno ask what’s her name, you know that woman, one I met somewhere, black one, but don’t let her talk. I’m off to my cellar to rest & think, back in four days.”

  6. To me, the real pleasure of he last US presidential election, was seeing the political elite getting beaten by an incomer. Trump did not win the election, Clinton lost it. The Clintons have so much dodgy political baggage attached to them that in picking Clinton, the democrats almost guaranteed their defeat. This time, the Democrats have put up a candidate who hardly knows which day of the week it is. No matter what, the lawyers will be the real winners, as usual. I expect that they have already had bigger pockets put in their trousers, so they can stuff even more money in them, with all the court cases they are already lining up.

    One more question. Will we actually know the result by inauguration day?

  7. Various pro lockdown Greens/ Pro – Europeans/,Corbynites on my FB Feed are saying ‘imagine if you wake up next week and Trump has won’ Apparently US voters will be so scared by the disapproval of fashionable ‘woke’ types internationally they are going to elect Biden? My thoughts are the election is basically ‘Trump vs BLM’ – which is why I think he will win, to a larger degree than 2016

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