Maybe We Should Invade

Sort those colonials out…

Joe Biden has overtaken Donald Trump‘s vote count in Pennsylvania and Georgia, both key swing states, putting him within touching distance of the White House. But the president said he would not concede, with his campaign insisting “this election isn’t over”.

The incumbent’s apparent early lead disappeared in Pennsylvania thanks to the widespread use of mail-in ballots, which have favoured his opponent. The latest tranches of returns from the area around Philadelphia have given Mr Biden a lead of more than 9,000 votes in the state.

I really don’t know what to make of the clusterfuck that’s going on. The BBC and other main news outlets are saying “nothing to see there” and claiming – without any evidence – that Trump’s claims of foul play are without any basis. Well, how would they know? Have they conducted an investigation? Or is it the usual TDS at play?

Sebastain Gorka is claiming that there are thousands of pieces of evidence. I’m hearing this from other commenters on that side of the Atlantic.

As a mildly interested observer, All I can say is that something doesn’t smell right. Whether there is corruption going on or not, an investigation is now imperative otherwise the result will always be disputed.

But, my, it does make a mockery of their process.

We live in interesting times.



  1. Perhaps the could ask Venezuela and Belorussia to provide impartial electoral observers, to ensure free and fair elections?

    Achieving a turnout of 200%, as some Wisconsin counties achieved, is worthy of Joe the Georgian.

    Brave person, to be a whistleblower, up against that lot.

    • Yes, there’s something very fishy about the turnout in Wisconsin. From 2000 to 2016, turnout in Wisconsin for presidential elections was about 70% (even in 2008 and 2012 when St Barry O’Bama was elected). And yet, in the election this week, turnout in Wisconsin rose to 89%. Really? We’re expected to believe turnout in Wisconsin rose 20% compared with the previous five elections?

      One good thing to come from Creepy Joe’s election is that over the next few years he will destroy the US economy with all his ‘Green New Deal’ crap policies and higher taxes. So the millions of idiots who voted for the doddering old fool who doesn’t know which day of the week it is may yet come to regret their vote.

      • We see those sorts of engagement and disengagement quite often throughout the world.

        People become disenfranchised with the current situation, and often abstain from voting. Eventually the pot boils over and people vote for something different (albeit the other 50% vote the other way, cancelling the effect).

        Weirdly Michigan was one of the states in 2016 where anomalies appeared in the voting numbers, alongside Pennsylvania.

  2. It’s always the same when a side is winning that isn’t wanted. In the reverse situation you’d expect Biden to concede defeat gracefully and bow out.

    A day ago, Trump wanted the counting to stop when he was ahead, now he wants a recount, but only in the states that he didn’t win.

    It’s like a comedy version of reality.

  3. I’ve given up trying to either follow it or understand it now. The media is completely untrustworthy and the whole thing is becoming a bewildering hall of mirrors. Wake me up when it’s over.

    Do you remember that spoof ‘Revocation of Independence’ email from the 2000 election?

  4. A good summary (with a fair sprinkling of bad language) here:

    It summarises the situation from a “does this smell right?” perspective. Long story short, no it doesn’t smell right …

  5. I keep thinking about the musical Hamilton where king George pops up and sings a song about the fact that setting up your own government from scratch is a lot more difficult that you think:

    You say the price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay.
    You cry in your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by.
    Why so sad? Remember we made an arrangement when you went away.
    Now you’re making me mad, remember despite our estrangement I’m your man.

    You’ll be back, soon you’ll see, you’ll remember you belong to me.
    You’ll be back, time will tell, you’ll remember that I served you well….

    So do we offer to send the Queen over to sort it out for them?

  6. On the plus side. The US can no longer invade anyway under the guise of installing democracy as this fiasco shows they are no better than a banana republic. If even half the things are true then it is clear there is fiddling afoot and they are not even trying to hide it, because they know the lame stream media, twatter and farcebook will do so.

    Biden won’t be leading them into anything. He will be 10 minutes into the presidency and then retire. He clearly is senile.

    Good for Trump though not just rolling over like the rest of these useless traitorous republicans.

    It’s the West and we are clearly doomed as trump was a hiccup on the way to hell.

  7. Just a thought, does the Benford’s law anomaly fit to the spreadsheet calculation mishap/deceit?

  8. Apparently the BBC have already done a thorough investigation and found there to be no evidence of fraud of any kind.

    Interestingly, my predictive text widget wrote almost all of the above sentence for me, my phone is now reading my mind.

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