Why Would I Do That?

So I received an email from my GP surgery.

We have identified you as eligible to receive free Flu vaccination under the NHS extension of this programme to all 50 – 64 year olds due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

I’m with Leggy on this one. I had a bout of flu a couple of years back. Prior to that, Christmas 1999. It’s unpleasant and I have to spend a couple of weeks feeling like shit, but it’s not the end of the world. Given that the vaccine has an efficacy of around 40% for a disease that is an unpleasant inconvenience if I get it and the odds are that I won’t, why would I trot along to my GP’s surgery to undergo the queuing and faffing about for something that is probably a waste of time?

I will also be refusing the Covid one. Not because I am an anti vaxxer, indeed, I am more than happy with the principle of vaccination. It is this vaccine I have a problem with. A vaccine that has been rushed through trials, is highly experimental, and there are no long term effects data. And to top it all, the developer has been given legal indemnity if it all goes wrong.

So, no, absolutely not.

And one final point – the jab is not free.


  1. I have been having the flu jab since being diagnosed with diabetes in 2013. Our local surgery is very efficient at doing these so it takes very little time. Whether I have avoided getting a flu bout that I otherwise would have had is impossible to tell really. I have never experienced any side effects so I still get it every year. As for the Covid jab, I’m quite a long way down the list for it anyway but I share your reservations about whether or not it is safe.

    OT but I thought that you might like to have one more thing to have a little rant about.


  2. In theory, the state should exist to serve the populace: when did it become the other way round? Why did we allow it? What can we do to redress the situation?

  3. Hi

    Flu jab and COVID jab both charged for unless you have an exception due to age, being on benefit?

    • They appear to have extended the “at risk” group to the 50-64 age group. It’s bollocks. I am no more at risk today than I was last year.

  4. I was in my local pharmacy last week and the pharmacist asked if I had had my flu jab yet? I pointed out that I have to wear a mask when I’m out, keep at least 6 feet from other people as evidenced by the signs on her floor. I pointed out I am also not allowed to mix in groups of more than 3 people and am advised if at all possible to stay indoors and only venture out for essential reasons. So why do I need a flu jab as well. She didn’t have an answer to that !

  5. Like LR I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m old enough to know what it like to see the fear on older people’s faces when things like Whooping Cough and Polio came up in conversation. Also as a child I was in Great Ormond Street for an ear operation and the boy in the next bed was probably one of the last British children to contract Polio. As far as I can recall he was in for an operation on his legs that would allow him to at least wear shoes for the first time. I remember how excited he was to be wearing shoes.

    My own child lives and is healthy in part because vaccinations mean that he will not contract the truly awful diseases that carried off children in the past.

    But and it’s a big ‘but’, I also refused the proffered flu vaccination. My reasons were as follows: I looked up the CDC records for effectiveness of the vaccine and it came to about 45%. Secondly I was not prepared to put up with being treated like shit by the NHS and abide by their extreme covid paranoia which included not asking any questions about other health problems with the doctor, the usual and useless mask theatre and quite frankly being treated like dirt by the NHS staff. Why should I put myself through all the worthless and idiotic covid theatre for a vaccination that is only 45% effective.

  6. I agree about the coronavirus vaccine. Like you, I am not opposed to vaccinations. It’s just that, as you say, the vaccine has been developed in just a few months. New drugs and vaccines require years of testing. What if there are serious side-effects that have yet to be discovered?

  7. The surgery have been pestering her and meself to get the flu jab for weeks now, various texts and no fewer than 2 letters each, not interested, presumably when its our turn for Mengele’s concoction it’ll be the boot boys in blue who come for us.

    Something interesting here, peruse 11.1.4 at your leisure, and then 1V.1.1


    Vernon Coleman’s latest video on BrandNewTube about the Vaccine is worth a look too,

  8. I do take Flu vaccine, but prescription and I DIY. It’s a simple pre-filled syringe for intra-muscular injection. If DIY was readily available, more would take. I have never experienced any pain, illness or side effects

    If only Gov would trust populace, or is it to make NHS ‘trained professionals’ respected idols?

    C-19 vaccine is a No for me. I will not be guinea pig for first ever mass testing of an mRNA vaccine when Drug cos have no liability. Note Oxford/Astra vaccine is not mRNA

    Current smart meters can’t cut off, unless pre-pay, as no power relay. Future ones will and more so when smart freezer etc too

    Elec Co: Your meter isn’t working, need to replace.

    Old meters: double, treble, quad….. per unit price – nudge

    I had measles, chicken pox, german measles, whooping cough….. as a child in 60s/70s – I’m alive and healthy

    • I saw that. My first thought was that anyone suffering life changing illness will find this a drop in the ocean. That’s why medical negligence suits run into the millions.

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