One Angry Man

Peter Hitchens on form again.

Frankly, I wish you an Angry Christmas, not a merry one, because if you aren’t angry this year, the chances are very strong you won’t be allowed to be merry next year, or the year after that.

Anger is a useful emotion in the right circumstances and as I told a client the other day, I’m bloody angry. “You and me both,” he replied.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this:

Someone I thought better of is spreading it on social media. Sigh…


  1. The graphic is a lie because everybody knows what’s in the vaccine. I’m a vaper and I haven’t tasted fetal tissue yet…

    • The graphic is idiotic. The first three are regulated and labelled, so we know exactly what is in them, thereby undermining the attempted argument. The others are illegal narcotics and there is no correlation between those refusing the vaccine and those who consume illegal narcotics, again, undermining the argument. As I pointed out to the guy, it was a weak attempt at a strawman.

      • Yeah, I could reverse the narrative of that graphic by saying I’m not getting the vaccine because I DO know what’s in it.

  2. I’m afraid, looking at Twitter and Facebook, that not enough people are angry. There’s far too many sheep out there who think the government knows best, or is doing its best in an impossible situation.

  3. @microdave

    CDC adverse effects report suggests if Boris & Hancock vaccine rollout to 25m high risk/vulnerable done:

    700,000 new patients requiring NHS care

    Vaccine to “Save NHS”?

  4. @LR
    You missed Hitchen’s other point:

    Most important is lower courts and now Supreme Court refusal to hear Simon Dolan vs Gov’t

    Media coverage? Zero
    google: simon dolan supreme court

    Same as FSU vs Ofcom case

    and in USA refusing to hear Vote Fraud cases

    Yet Supreme Court eager to hear Establishment Remoaner Gina Miller cases and rule against Gov’t

    This refusal gives Gov’t (not Parliament, HoC) power to do anything they want, even if illegal

  5. I don’t mind if folk want to put it in their bodies. I wish they were making a sensible risk based decision, but that’s too much to expect of humanity… Or if they ARE making a rational decision they are valuing compliance and social conformity as the benefits of this vaccine, balanced against what’s no doubt a smallish risk of adverse consequences. But being able to notice the trade-off you’re making is rare… Maybe 1 in 100 people. So let em if they want to.

    30% or so of people I see in the street are terrified again, masked and would rather walk in traffic than be within a metre of another human. Now there’s an irrational balance of risks!

    No compulsion, no implied compulsion. That’s the hill I’m standing on.

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