1. Dear Mr Longrider

    I hope you had a very happy Christmas.

    Unherd have a few prize quotes from an interview in The Times with that nice Prof Ferguson.


    Lockup sceptics have some quotes from history, which we seem to have forgotten to the advantage of people like Sir Vallance Bedspread, Mr *hitty, Mr Hancock, Mr Johnson and all the others channelling their inner tyrant, who would lock us up forever. Sadly, too many would go along with it.


    I am, and always have been, in tier zero.

    Best wishes for 2021.


    • I have done my best to ignore it. Being a bit of a hermit anyway means that most of the time, it’s made little difference. I went to see my father last week – travelling from tier 3 to tier 2 and met up with him and two of my sisters. Between us we completely trashed the rules.

      I do not consent. The government has forgone any legitimacy as far as I am concerned and I feel no compunction to obey its dictatorial rules.

  2. @LR
    Glad you found Alex, he’s a bit of an egotistical Bellend, but informative videos

    “Tier Zero” – that’s where I put myself in late February. My mother (80) joined me a few weeks ago and NI cousins entered Tier 0 over last few months

    Ferguson: an always wrong charlatan now openly touting his love of Communism and Tyranny

    “I’ve Had Enough of This BS”

    We Need a Military Coup to oust these tyrants and restore Freedom and Liberty

  3. OT
    Great British Bloke in Shed – Yes?
    Millyard Kawasaki Z1 1600 V8 motorcycle – How its made

    Wow – very impressive engineering skills, way beyond my knowledge, courage, ideas and skills. Cutting chunks of carbs – serious stuff

    Most of my improvements have been electrical, two of best being switch to kill all rear lights and starter button operating garage door opener when engine running

    • On the subject of bikes I was driving around Christmas day and had CB channel 19 on and listened to a fascinating conversation between a local group of old bikers who were telling tech stories of uprating Yamaha 50cc Fizzys to get more power and more speed. I’m not a biker but I could not help but be fascinated by the level of knowledge and ingenuity that was being shown by these old bikers casually chatting over the radio and kept listening.

      Further on the subject of tech: I’m not a massively skilled tech person but I have a dislike or seeing good old tech being thrown away when it may still be able to be repurposed. When digital TV came in I managed to get quite a few TV’s, VCR’s, cabling etc from skips. I then used this to create a whole house analogue TV network with different devices on different analogue TV channels, all it took was the addition of a few modulators for those devices that didn’t have an analogue RF output.

      • Old school (pre 1990?) bikers did their own maintainance and learnt & experimented a lot: air filters, re-jetting carb, porting, exhaust mods…. With that knowleadge I had I de-restricted my EU power, noise etc restricted bikes. De-restriction on large bikes could unleash >30bhp

        I learned how to ride/operate my first bike (14) by reading user manual as mum, dad etc had never ridden one. Took ages to master gear changing and remembering clutch lever wasn’t rear brake

        TV: Like you I didn’t “go digital”, I added digital

        • Agree there about learning via having to do your own maintainance. It’s also why the early adopters of home computers seemed to know more about how their machines worked than computer users today this is because they had to know what they were doing to operate one. Same applied to cars pre-1980, you only took your car to a mechanic if you were rich or if it was a job that couldn’t be done by the average person.

          Yes I agree with you on the addition of digital rather than going wholly digital with regards to TV. I’m horrified at what good stuff people throw away. We got a perfectly good and serviceable push chair for our son from next to someone else’s wheelie bin, saving us at least £200 on the price of a new posh pushchair.

  4. “Ferguson: an always wrong charlatan now openly touting his love of Communism and Tyranny”

    If someone is always wrong then it follows that they would think that communism is a good idea.

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