1. My wife has just been into our local town and she was absolutely shocked to see how many local businesses had shut down permanantly due to this government’s massive overreaction to covid. It’s disgraceful what Boris and his clowns have done to us it really is. I hope that next year is better and there is a Nuremberg II for all those who have wreaked so much damage and so much destruction. I hope that you and yours and all who read this blog and comment on it have a happy new year.

  2. And it’s only just beginning really. There are I expect any number of hospitality business owners that hoped they could make it through to the festive season, and at least then make some hay.

    Instead they were encouraged to think that this would be the case, they bought in stock, and then got shafted.

    I expect any number of decent human beings may well have considered their wasted rental overhead as a small price to pay so they could furlough valued staff in the hope of recovering.

    Sadly there seems to be a lack of humanity in government.

    • Leviathan is not your friend and never will be. Now that they have had a taste of unlimited power, it now regards you as its enemy.

  3. I wish I can record a documented review of the last year and send it back in time a few decades as a warning and see how people would react

  4. I worked yesterday (not complaining, gratefully in a job that’s unaffected by this rubbish) and driving home late afternoon to see the pubs empty and in semi darkness, the shops closed, barely a soul to be seen really brought it home.

    New Years Eve there should have been life and joy and jolly men and pretty ladies in those pubs getting a wet in.

    Do you know what depresses me the most though?
    In a few year’s time, assuming we are allowed another election and it isn’t conducted by Fake Ballots Ltd, millions of drones will file, masked mute and socially distanced up to the polls (or to the post box for the pre fixed voting scam) and elect the same two dead pointless parties as have overseen this, just as people have been doing all of their lives.

    Keep up the good work, thankyou for your part in keeping those of us still capable of independent thought nearly sane.
    Hope the new year is better for the host and the readers here, it could scarcely be worse but never fear they’ll be doing their best to make it so.

  5. Thank you Josh @BH

    Another ‘nails it’ cartoon

    Insanity (keep repeating): Lockdowns – Socialism

  6. As if the authoritarian Covid stasi could not get any worse. Saw his from a Gab user. His wife was taken ill and she died in the hospital but the bastard covid stasi in the hospital would not allow him to have a last few minutes with his dying wife. I hate the NHS and I hate what this government is doing.

    Ashway of Linn from Gab said:

    Hold ya chatter I Ashy will Not be be on you see wife got worse falling over being sick 28th dec called 999 and again 999 she falling over paramedics 2 idiot fat girls did tests gave her oxygen glucose tried to get Susan to stand she screamed and fell next there is snow on your drive ME ASHY I clear it *I did they took her I was getting in ambulance to be with her O no YOU CANNOT Ashy be with her corona shit 2 hours later phone rang are you sat down YES Susan just died ALONE?????
    do YOU WANT TO COME AND SEE HER DEAD BODY I could have held her and said the words good by

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