Did They Not Before?

My misanthropy is in overdrive.

Six in ten Brits say they will carry on masking up in public places and on planes AFTER the pandemic is over.

This would be the masks that serve no useful purpose whatsoever. The level of idiocy that this pandemic has unveiled simply fuels my underlying dislike of my fellow man. No critical thinking, no challenging the evidence (or lack thereof) and blind obedience to an abusive government.

They will continue using sanitisers and washing hands frequently while 53 per cent reckon working from home is here to stay.

Which begs the question I pose in the headline – weren’t they washing their hands before? Although unless I’m out and about and have no access to proper washing facilities (public conveniences either have filthy facilities or they don’t work), I use ordinary soap rather than a hand sanitiser, which for a virus, should it be on my hands, is lethal as soap dissolves the outer layer.

Only one in ten think vaccination will eradicate Covid for good and 36 per cent are hopeful the economy will bounce back quickly once the pandemic is over.

One in ten are idiots, then.


  1. I see people wearing masks out in the street when there is nobody anywhere near them or when driving alone in their cars. These presumably are the people that we are talking about.

  2. “This would be the masks that serve no useful purpose whatsoever”

    They actually do you harm: Look up Hypoxia, Hypercapnia & Bacterial Pneumonia for starters…

    “I see people wearing masks out in the street when there is nobody anywhere near them”

    Last year Tony Heller took a picture of some hikers wearing muzzles 12’000ft up a mountain top in Colorado

  3. The Scotsman reports that Deputy First Minister John Swinney has become the first politician to explicitly state that the completion of the vaccine rollout is not likely to be the end of restrictions….Masks must still be worn on public transport, in shops…

    …The Mutants are coming to Kill You

    Meanwhile Fauci says “No return to normal for at least Seven Years” – 75% of world must be vaccinated

    Next week? All apes must be vaccinated?

    All based on ‘might, maybe, could, may’ happen; Not science

  4. By definition 50% of people are below average intelligence. I now see that the mean is at a level far lower than I once thought.

    Yes, I’m one of those who says “The more people I meet, the more I appreciate my pets”.

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