Knock on the Door

So, can I expect a knock on the door?

The new areas the testing is being extended to include the PR9 postcode in Sefton, Merseyside, and more areas of Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

A mutated form of the variant that first emerged in Kent before Christmas was found in Bristol and South Gloucestershire in recent days, sparking fresh concerns.

The more they test, the more they will get false positives, so I will do my bit to help avoid that outcome.


  1. Isn’t a test showing that someone who is not ill has an illness a false positive by definition? Presumably the fear is that they can pass it on to someone who may then become seriously ill. If the information gained from such testing was to be collated and analysed honestly there might be a point to it, there is a real possibility that, far from being a cause for concern, the new strains are relatively harmless. But that would never do, spreading fear and alarm has to be the government’s top priority.

  2. We had FREEEEE testing in my village today and the sheeple turned up in droves…

    Negatives: 395 Positives: 6

    Now they are all terrified they stood next to a positive in the queue!

  3. The tests also pick up on other viral strains like the common cold (it’s a virus too), previous flu infections (SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Hong Kong Flu – all of which are still around) because the test only detects RNA viruses which can be from any source.

    It’s like Gun Control – nothing to do with guns but everything to do with control.

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