Fer Cryin’ Out Loud

Every day brings forth a new idiocy.

Every adult will be encouraged to test themselves for coronavirus at least twice a week under new plans to help ease Britain out of lockdown.

Testing chiefs are pushing the message in the hope of identifying people without symptoms.

I despair, I really do. If you don’t have symptoms, you don’t have a problem. If you test positive, the likelihood is that it’s a false positive rather than being an asymptomatic carrier and I do know from personal experience of a family member how disruptive that can be – and no, she didn’t have it, but still had to isolate and couldn’t work.

We are entering the summer months when it will die back naturally – conveniently at a moment where they can point to their vaccine and tell us that it is working. I expect there will be a spike again next winter just as has always happened with influenza and the whole farrago will start all over again.

I’ll be damned if I turn into a hypochondriac and test myself twice a week. If I am ill, I’ll take to my bed. If I am really ill, I’ll telephone 111. If I am not ill, I’ll do nothing. What I will not do is enable the insanity of this government and its advisers.

The answer is no. No, no and thrice no.


  1. Since we somehow accepted testing as a viable means to laughably ‘control the virus’, it’s become dogma. It’s been pointed out many times that low levels of infection coupled with a similar false positive rate means that testing means nothing. Just some standard critical thinking and you should come to the conclusion that spotting a mostly mild illness at levels af around 200-300 cases per 100k is going to be problematic.

    I expect if we tested for flu as.much as we are.for coming we would lock down every year. I expect that flu for a lot of people is also mild, as there’s likely to be a wide range of responses to infection, just as there are with Covid.

    Maybe that’s the plan, I expect we’ll see more restrictions later in the year as respiratory diseases makes their inevitable return.

    Testing twice a week is expensive as well as being nigh on impossible to implement.

  2. These self testing kits cost money. I wonder just how many of our political masters, and their minders, have invested in the companies that make these kits?
    Also, as these kits will be ‘use once and then discard’, how many threatening letters from, and television appearances by, St Greta of the Perpetually Offended, will be necessary?
    There was an amusing theory I read recently that the senses of smell and taste are the first to go on contracting the virus, so by regularly sniffing, and drinking, a glass of good Scotch, you can tell if you’ve been affected. You can then either have another glass to celebrate your health, or have another glass to drown your sorrows. Perhaps investing in shares in a Scottish distillery may not be a bad idea?

  3. The big issue which so far has failed to be talked about is the lack of treatment available when you start being ill to stop you from getting worse. All you’re told is to stay at home and wait for it to pass, so when people show up at hospital, it is too late for those treatments to work.

    The banning of HCQ, coupled with azythromycin and zinc, was a criminal act.

    • Trying to have a sensible discussion is impossible. People have bought into the narrative and simply virtue signal, repeating the mantras of save the NHS (PBUH), or putting up little images telling the world they have had their jab. Every lie, every distortion has been swallowed whole by a gullible, impressionable public. Dare to disagree or to challenge any of this with facts or evidence and you are subject to an online lynching.

    • @Monoi
      Spot on. These drugs such as HCQ denied to patients for political reasons and financial gain. Doctors who refuse to prescribe HCQ etc should be prosecuted for malpractice and Doctors and Politicians for murder

      In UK Chloroquine is an OTC for off label sale, but pharmacists insist it’s POM (see BNF). In February 2020 UK Gov’t banned export – why? They knew it worked, then refused to use after Trump endorsed

  4. Nobody is doing journalism any more. The demonising of effective early treatment is a scandal of massive proportions, the mainstream media are just looking the other way.

  5. Observed a Testing centre – on main road (“A” road), free parking, shops Aldi, Chemist etc – this afternoon while chatting over a coffee with a friend:

    1500-1630 nobody entered or left, no queue. Three bored ‘doormen’ lurking in doorway. Big signs on lamp-posts and pavement “Covid Test Centre”

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