Lies, More Lies and Damned Incompetence

Things like honesty, truth and reason have been abandoned now. We are living in a post reason age.

Michael Gove today stopped short of categorically denying claims Boris Johnson said he would rather see ‘bodies piling up’ than lock the country down again.

I don’t know the truth of this and it doesn’t really matter. What we are seeing is a complete breakdown of logic and science. We were told we needed a three-week lock-down to flatten the curve and “save the NHS (all hail the great and glorious NHS). But reason says that this had little to no effect. Evidence tells us that the most vulnerable to dying are those already knocking on Heaven’s door. Covid may give them that final nudge – but we know from those countries and states that didn’t lock-down that bodies piling up on the streets just won’t happen. Because – and we need to be clear here – for the majority of those who get this disease, it is unpleasant but survivable and most do not need hospital treatment. The figures we have been given are unreliable due to a deliberate conflation between died of covid and died while testing positive. It’s an important distinction and one that the media and government are choosing to ignore. The average age of deaths is 82, one year above the expected age of life expectancy. Those who are younger who have succumbed are those with some form of underlying health condition that has weakened them. But again, dead bodies littering the streets is not likely to be a reality because that is not what the evidence tells us.

However, and it gets interesting here, we were told that the vaccines would be the magic spell that would kill the wicked witch of the west. Yet here we are with the PM apparently conflicted about another lock-down or bodies piling up in the streets and there being some sort of choice between the two. So what about the magic potion? You can have one of the other here – either the vaccines are a cure and will rid us of this damned spot or they are a waste of time and there will be another wave. One or the other. Make your mind up. If you have a mind to make up of course and I’m rapidly doubting that. We’ve had lock-downs, masks, anti-social distancing and vaccines and through all of this, the virus has done what all similar viruses have done throughout history. The gompertz curve has remained the same across the globe regardless of the rules and lock-downs imposed or not. Ergo, the rules, the lock-downs and other shibboleths are the equivalent of throwing a virgin into the volcano to appease the gods with about the same level of success.

Personally, I feel that the answer is neither of the above. Summer is looming and the disease will die down and spike again in the autumn in exactly the way that flu does. And like other strains of flu it will become milder because that is how biology works. I also feel that as with flu, the vaccines involve chasing a will o’ the wisp because like the flu virus, it will be constantly mutating. Again, this is basic biology. These are simple enough conclusions to reach. All you need is a very basic understanding of biology and the ability to reason following an observation of the evidence.

Clearly this is beyond our politicians, the charlatans in SAGE and the scum in the media.


    • The CDC says differntly.

      The problem with claiming that Covid doesn’t exist is that you are then left having to explain the increase in winter deaths over the past eighteen months – not just here but across the world. While the cause of death figures are unreliable, the headline figure of people who have actually died is reasonably reliable as I’m inclined to trust the ONS and 2019/20 was a bad year for excess deaths as was early winter 2021, although it’s dropped dramatically since then, which is what I would expect.

      The other problem is that it undermines our argument as people will just write us off as tinfoil hatters.

      As far as the response given in the article, all she has proved is that the Irish government has no records. That is not proof that this virus does not exist and on a balance of probabilities, the emergence of a novel coronavirus is hardly unremarkable. Quite why the Irish government gave that response when the CDC had isolated it some while back and made their findings available to other governments is a bit of a mystery. But while I am opposed resolutely to the reactions to covid and I do not believe that we should treat it any differently to the way we treat flu, I do not accept that the whole thing is a hoax. It merely provided an opportunity and that opportunity was seized with both hands by governments across the world, taking their cue from the CCP. That’s the issue here, not whether the virus itself is a hoax.

  1. ” And like other strains of flu it will become milder because that is how biology works.”

    Except it won’t work like that now will it? We have reversed the viral evolutionary process for covid – by giving out vaccines that ameliorate the symptoms of the disease but don’t prevent infection we have created the opportunity for more virulent versions of covid to spread widely (instead of killing their host quickly and thus not spreading) and maybe become the dominant strain within the country. Which in turn will mean the non-vaccinated will be in danger from catching them and having a far greater chance of be hospitalised and dying.

    Look what happened with Mareks disease. Its a viral disease of chickens, and a vaccine was created to dose them with, which like the covid vaccines did not prevent infection, just meant they were less likely to die. And slowly the disease mutated into more deadly versions. The versions circulating now will kill 100% of any unvaccinated chickens.

    We are messing with forces way beyond our control and we will pay a high price for it over the coming years, far greater than if we’d just taken our medicine and let covid rip through the population.

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