Well, Duh!

What did they expect?

The coronavirus vaccines currently in use may eventually stop working against new variants of the virus, experts are warning.

Officials will need to plan fresh solutions to keep on top of the virus as it mutates, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) cautioned in new papers published Friday.

It’s an RNA virus. Mutation is what RNA viruses do. Any vaccine programme will always be behind the curve. We have known this with the flu vaccine. So we should behave exactly the same manner as we deal with flu. No need to scaremonger, no need to panic and no need to lockdown or wear stupid face masks.


  1. Here in Australia, our North Korean inspired government is suggesting that it will be at least mid-2022 before it opens the international borders. Under such circumstances, given that we have no community transmission, I see little point in getting vaccinated when there is every likelihood new or booster vaccines will be required before the borders are opened.

  2. This is no surprise to anyone familiar to the annual hit-and-miss farce of the “Flu shot”. I seem to recall that most years they get it about 40% right and some years miss the main flu strain completely (happened a few years back) resulting in the death of lots of oldies who had the shot but for which it was completely ineffective.

    I’m sure the vaccine companies make out like bandits and perhaps it has some efficacy among the elderly some of the time, but for the vast majority it is little more than a placebo.

    The COVID-19 vaccines are just the diamond studded version of the annual flue vaccine. Although I was amused by the list of 72 side-effects of the Sinop-Harm vaccine from China.

    Best give them all a pass I think…

    • Yeah, 2017/18. I wondered if I should have taken it as I was caring for my dying wife and went down with flu. It would have made no difference as it turned out.

  3. I get the regular flu jab every year. Of course there is no way to know how effective it is. I can only recall getting the really nasty type of flu about twice in my lifetime, you know, the one where all you can do is lay in bed feeling as though you’re dying. As for the fact that these viruses mutate and constantly produce new strains, it might be obvious to me and you but the majority of people have no clue about such things.

    • Leggy has a joke about elephant repellents that sums up the flu jab. It is a bit like that. Hit and miss, so as I’m not vulnerable, I don’t bother.

      • I’m type two diabetic so my immune system is compromised. I don’t know what that actually means in practice because I hardly ever get colds and flu type bugs only rarely.

  4. I stopped having the flu jab in 1990 and strangely, haven’t had the flu since. I get a cold once a year.
    My Mrs. and I have had the AZ vaccine just in case it serves some useful purpose and because she is in the vulnerable group. I have doubts though. It looks like a massive money making enterprise by the pharma corporations.
    (Long time reader, been too lazy to comment before.)

    • My Mrs. and I have had the AZ vaccine

      From my analysis, the AstraZeneca appears to be the “least worst”. As with all of these things it is an individual risk assessment, not something that should be forced on people through nanny state sanctions for non-compliance dreamed up by Number 10’s “Nudge Unit”.

  5. https://yellowcard.ukcolumn.org/yellow-card-reports

    The above is a very useful facility for searching the MHRA Yellowcard Death and Adverse Reaction(TM) reporting system at,


    Over a 1000 vaccine deaths now and approaching 1 million Adverse Reactions(TM), many life changing.

    Given the covid-over-all vast inflation of numbers and its corollory, the total suppresion of any injection dangers (inc. the obvious – that this is an experiment), I’d say the jab is easily more dangerous than c-flu.

    • As I explained elsewhere, the balance of risks is of one that is known – covid, and one that is largely unknown especially in the long term – the vaccine. Unless you are in a vulnerable group, then the balance of risks favours the disease rather than the vaccine.

  6. We have known this with the flu vaccine. So we should behave exactly the same manner as we deal with flu

    @LR, not the same. Influenza Strains are not the same as Variants. That’s why ‘Flu vaccine wrong some years, wrong strain(s) chosen. 2020-21 ‘Flu vaccine was a four strain, or three for over 60s

    Variants are a slight change in a strain, thus we should not need ‘booster shots’

    SARS-COV-1 is ~70% same as SARS-COV-2 and immunity against 1 defeats 2

    No need to scaremonger, no need to panic and no need to lockdown or wear stupid face masks

    Yes, yes, yes and yes

    A btw fyi: Spanish ‘Flu virus is still circulating, but few die as ‘bad gene’ now virtually evolved away

    Another viewpoint

    “Forget the hype, there’s ‘zero evidence’ booster jabs will be needed”
    In the Conservative Woman, Kathy Gyngell dismisses talk of a third dose of the Covid vaccines

    Finally a Good Watch

  7. I’m against it but I’ve had the first jab of AZ as the ‘least worst’ option.

    Reason being I’d like to travel and see family in the UK and NZ at some point.

    • At the moment, this isn’t an issue for me. I might have to think again if the restrictions are still in place when I want to travel. As that won’t be at least until next year, there is time for some semblance of sanity to resume. One hopes.

  8. I’ve been half watching some county cricket on the telly today. Whenever someone hits a six, the ball has to be sanitised before being passed to the bowler. Apparently it might have come into contact with some random, possibly infected, person in the crowd. Presumably there are thousands of documented cases of people dying after coming into contact with an infected cricket ball.

    • Yes, thousands, neh millions of Zero occurrences of cricket ball or any other formite transmission of SARS-CoV-2

      Even CDC admitted this months ago

      Yet, still the sanitising everything, endorsed by Boris, continues

      …more it hasn’t happened, but it Might BS

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