Another Day, Another Nag

Ministers should do nothing of the sort.

The UK public should be urged by the government to protect the climate by eating less meat and dairy produce, advisers say.

The usual suspects who want to control us. It is not the place of government to micromanage our lives – despite recent events giving them a taste for it. It really is time we refused to comply with these people. That said, I have been refusing to comply all along.

I will not be told by activists, advisors, ministers or anyone else what I should eat.

The CCC says Boris Johnson must devise evidence-based policies to encourage healthier diets and set clear targets.

Ah, yes, the beloved targets. I can think of a use for targets, but I suspect that isn’t what they mean. No one voted for these nasty little dictators, but they have squirmed into positions of power and influence nonetheless. Time for some DDT.


  1. Labour = Loony left; even their core base won’t vote for them
    Lib Dems = Who? Not relevant despite by election win
    Tories = New Labour nanny statists

    So where do the silent majority of big C voters go?

    • Now that is a question I have constantly been asking myself for years. 55 years ago I was a Young Conservative. I now look upon the so called Conservative Party with a disdain bordering on hatred.

      Who do we liberty loving conservative types look to?
      (Pass the wine / whisky / gin)

      • I’m rather too long in the tooth, being in my eighth decade – but were a latter-day Wat Tyler to appear…

  2. Evidence-based policies, hahahahahaha. The deluded fools on the Climate Change Committee wouldn’t recognise evidence if you etched it on a brick and pounded them in the face with it. Reality refusing to conform to the scary predictions made by climate “scientists” is evidence.

  3. We are about the worst nanny state in the world. Look how our pubs were destroyed in 2007. These bastards never give up and should always be confronted and their bans and advice totally ignored !

  4. Past few months Morrisons frozen ‘reduced to clear’ has been full of Vegan / Veggie food: burgers, roasts etc – Brands (Stella McCrappy etc), not own range. Not selling much even though >=50% off

    People jumped on bandwagon then quickly jumped off again – they want tasty food, not virtue food and sod ‘the planet’

    Revealed preferences trump expressed preferences again

    The Climate Crisis and Covid Crisis have now been combined to drive fear. Both lies and a means of subjugating public

  5. “Impartial, Balanced” C4 News today broadcast a lengthy Advertorial for good veggie Impossible Burger vs bad planet destroying beef burgers

    What C4 don’t mention is many of these ‘fake meat’ products are less healthy than meat

  6. We can resist all we like but they’ll just engineer things to price product out of the range of many people just as I’m sure they will with car ownership.

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