Handcock Off

So it took an affair to get rid of the bastard.

Matt Hancock has resigned as Health Secretary and walked out on his wife after video footage emerged of him kissing an aide in his ministerial office in a breach of coronavirus restrictions.

He wrote a letter of resignation to Boris Johnson where he said the Government ‘owe it to people who have sacrificed so much in this pandemic to be honest when we have let them down’.

The usual sanctimonious bullshit having been caught – after all, he clearly thought it was all okay while no one knew about it. What we need to see now is some real accountability followed by jail time.


  1. The BBC headline is a joke though “Matt Hancock quits as health secretary after breaking social distance guidance”.

    Sure, but rather more importantly he hired his mistress as an assistant so he could have more opportunity to screw around and get the taxpayers to cough for it.

    Mind you, I can understand why BoJo had to give him a pass in the first instance, since he was caught doing exactly the same thing as Mayor of Londinium.

  2. Hancock has always been a useless bullying brat, and a member of Cameron’s chumocracy. Every interview he’s done showed he was out of his depth and devoid of knowledge. Spineless Boris should have sacked him in April 20202

    What’s Boris done? Replaced Hancock with sacked failure Sajid Javid. Should have been IDS or Liam Fox

    I despair

  3. 1. Deselect him as MP for his constituency, thereby allowing him to find a job commensurate with his talents. Hopefully, it will he one where he often says, “Would you like fries with that”?
    2. Investigate him for malfeasance in a public office, in that he had the taxpayer forking out £15,000 a year just so he could employ his mistress, thereby allowing possible shags in the office during work time.
    3. Investigate the possibility of civil action by those who, on his instructions, were not able to see, or be with, dying loved ones while he was bonking his paramour, and suffered the grief associated with that.
    Did I leave anything out?
    Also, I hope his wife takes the lying, devious, twat to the cleaners.

    • 1. Repeal the ECHR so the death penalty is reinstated for Treason and Piracy on the High Seas

      2. Charge Hancock with False Imprisonment of 67 million people and High Treason on the grounds the ‘Lockdown’ policy was taken from a hostile power.

      3. Once found guilty push for the ultimate sentence and have it as a public execution with no social distancing, ceremonial
      Burning of masks and ‘drink out to hang out’ for the duration of the event opening all pubs and providing free beer and food for all attendees at the expense of the taxpayer- funded by a one off ‘windfall tax’ on MPs pensions

  4. You’d think that someone with a name like Hancock would think twice before having an affair- the headlines practically write themselves!

    Good riddance to the useless twat, on his Substack Dominic Cummings has been eviscerating him recently.

    @Pcar re Javid: its a bit unfair to call him a ‘sacked failure’- he quit as Chancellor due to a power struggle with Cummings, and seems to have done ok as a minister previously (I met him once at an Adam Smith Institue event back in the day and he was pretty sound back them, it was George Osborne’s influence that got him to back remain in the referendum)

    • One could imagine that appointing Sajid Javid was not entirely unconnected to the by-election a mere five days from now, in a seat where mobile Muslim votes are likely to be the clincher, or am I just being a tad too cynical?

      As for Hancock’s dalliance, I wonder if she ever got the full ‘Half Hour’ and if the dishonourable member lost his deposit?

    • @Andy
      Yes, Javid resigned, but because Boris was going to move him from chancellor to lower position – thus sacked. The aide row was a side show

  5. I was hoping the bastard would hang on suffering for a while longer.

    In a crowded field, the most obnoxious twat in the government.

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