Anxiety Over Freedom

I wonder sometimes when we became so frit.

Anxiety levels across the country are rising as Freedom Day on July 19 approaches and all restrictions are removed, experts have warned.

Less than a century ago, there was a hostile invader across the Channel. Now that is a reason to be anxious, not a relatively mild respiratory disease with a 99%+ survival rate. I wonder how the few would have managed if they were anxious so easily?

It’s fairly typical though in the younger generation who seem to have absorbed the propaganda. Looking on Farcebook someone of my acquaintance has been holding a birthday party for his daughter. Outside, natch, because scary disease. Then there was the issue of blowing out the candles in a covid safe manner… Yes, really…

I refrained from comment. I like the bloke. I taught both him and his wife to ride. They are nice people and relatively bright, yet typically blind to the manner in which they have been propagandised. And this is the problem, it seems – even people with a reasonable level of intelligence otherwise have been taken in by the unmitigated unscientific bullshit. Trying to counter the propaganda is a nightmarish minefield as people really don’t want to hear – and am I going to wade in on his daughter’s birthday party to talk about politics?

There are things to get anxious about. A foreign invasion by a hostile enemy being one. Rather than the likelihood of getting ill and recovering in a few days from whatever varian is doing the rounds, I am more anxious as a result of the liberties stolen by the charlatans that govern us. And I am growing angrier by the day.

Meanwhile, mental health charities have warned of a surge in treatment requests while an opinion poll has revealed half of people want restrictions to remain in place.

The appropriate response to that 50% is not to appease them or to validate their paranoia, but to let them stay at home hiding under the duvet and let the rest of us get on with it. If they lose their jobs and livelihoods, well, it’s a balance of risks and a risk they must choose for themselves. Whatever, we must stop this insanity and get back to a functioning economy and society. This situation should never have occurred in the first place and it is an outrage that across the globe governments caved in to what appears to be a form of collective insanity and abdicated their responsibilities to sound governance in favour of primitive cult-like behaviour. If there was any justice, there would be heads on spikes to remind anyone thinking of entering government that there are consequences to behaviour, but it isn’t going to happen unfortunately.

Covid-19 Anxiety Syndrome consists of forms of coping such as a constant attention to threat, worry, avoidance and excessive checking, that can keep people locked into a state of continuous anxiety and fear of contracting the virus.

Apart from being unable to work when the DVSA shut their doors, I have carried on as normal. No mask, no anti-social distancing and I have ignored any puerile bubble bullshit. In other words, I have carried on as normal and experienced no fear at all. I have experienced dismay at my fellow man, however. Maybe I need therapy after all.


  1. I feel somewhat anxious about what will happen when the economic chickens of this insanity come home to roost. The expansionist ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party are a cause for concern. If they become massively powerful we will have our insatiable appetite for cheap consumer goods to blame. The fact that half of our workforce are doing non jobs funded by massive government borrowing is something to worry about. That I am a sixty something diabetic with a remote chance of catching a potentially fatal bug, not so much, I’m with that doorman at the Abby Road Studios.

    “I am not frightened of dying, any time will do I don’t mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There’s no reason for it, you gotta go sometime.”

    I’d rather not die just yet, I’ve got a lot of stuff I’d still like to do, but really, people need to get it through their heads that they are not immortal.

    • Personally*

      *And I’m sure other, brighter people than me have said something similar in the past.

      I think it has something to do with the removal of religion from life.
      In the past, the vast majority of people believed in some form of afterlife, reincarnation or other continuation after the end, helping maintain a healthy outlook on death. (No point being too fearful of something that is inevitable.)
      Now, science is the new religion, and since science can’t prove an afterlife, an afterlife doesn’t exist to most people in a stunning confusion of absence of evidence meaning evidence of absence.
      Questioning science, or even just pointing out it’s limitations, these days is tantamount to heresy.

      • Thing is, I don’t believe, but I don’t fear death either. Precisely because it is inevitable. If it’s just nothing it’s like going to sleep and not waking up.

        • No one fears death, rather they fear the way in which it will happen.

          I want to go peacefully in my sleep, just like my uncle did, not screaming in pain like the other people in his car.

      • “Questioning science, or even just pointing out it’s limitations, these days is tantamount to heresy”

        But ‘The Science’ isn’t science, it’s no better than voodoo to most people.

  2. I’ve noticed an increasingly nasty attitude from the vexed vaxed, they are blaming us and looking forward to us refuseniks/anti vaxers being unable to do the things they will in the near future, and serve us jolly well right.

    Whether we end up stitching yellow stars to our clothes before or after they sew the swastikas onto theirs and stride out triumphantly in the highly polished jack boots remains to be seen.
    More nasty small minded people out there than one might have hoped, i have no doubt if they could they would gladly be herding us into concentration camps or worse.
    I’ve lost it with so many of my Brit family colleagues and friends and find myself drawn increasingly to the former east europeans i know who haven’t drank the kool aid and keep a healthy distrust nay contempt of govts appratchiks and the media.

    • The vaxxed (at least some of them) remind me of anti-smokers in that both groups are smug and self-satisfied, the vaxxed for having done something that they wanted to do and the anti-smokers for refraining from doing something that they don’t want to do; in either case their smug self-righteousness is gratuitous.

  3. This week I’ve spent a few days on the Isle of Man, where there are no masks, no social-distancing, no stupid one-way systems, no outdoor queuing, no group limits, no manic cleansing, all the shops, hotels, bars and restaurants are operating completely normally. Guess what, the graveyards there aren’t full of Covid victims. Makes you think . . . .

    • Quite – and if it’s so dangerous why would a 95 year old monarch be put at risk as the Queen was at the G7?

  4. I’ve been listening to young people phoning LBC to say how terrified they are of 19th. The kindest thing that I could say is that HMG’s brainwashing unit is very clever and has admirably succeeded in scaring the beejesus out of some people.

  5. It’s an downright scandal. Prompted by that wretched behavioural unit the Government has consistently exaggerated the dangers of Covid by a combination of deliberately failing to put the rather moderate risks of Covid into context and outright lying. Shabby, shameful and unethical are just a few of the words that aptly describe their behaviour. Many people see conspiracy in this but sadly I see nothing that can’t be explained by rank stupidity, hubris and the delusion, like a Canute who actually believed he could command the tide, that their absurd restrictions were capable of controlling the spread of the virus.

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