Greta is Back

The whiny child is back with her nagging.

Greta Thunberg has lashed out at Britain for ‘lying’ over its climate change credentials in a stinging Unicef speech.

The climate change activist, 18, claimed the nation was guilty of ‘creative carbon accounting’ and said it was a ‘lie that the UK is a climate leader’.

The Swede blasted its aviation and shipping industries and said world leaders still treat the crisis as a ‘faraway, distant problem’.

I wasn’t aware that this stupid, ignorant child was a member of the UK electorate. Oh, that’s right, she isn’t. Well, she can take her petulant nagging and stick it where the sun don’t shine. I don’t take my instructions from some foreign activist – I don’t take them from domestic ones, so I’ll be damned if I take any from her. I had hoped that she would fade into well deserved obscurity, but it seems not.


  1. “Well, she can take her petulant nagging and stick it where the sun don’t shine”.

    That’s a terrible thing to wish on Burnley. 🙁

  2. You can tell that the climate alarmists are getting more and more desperate when they are relying on an ignorant school dropout to sell their message. Also, there is this from someone called Meryl Batchelder in the Graun.

    “We need a green curriculum that starts in early years and extends through all key stages. Properly taught, climate change education should be a thread through all subjects – not just science and geography – from the food miles of the ingredients we cook in food technology to debates on humanitarian issues such as mass migration in religious education or personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education.”

    If you need to indoctrinate children you are admitting that your message won’t be believed by adults. If your message were true it would be easy to convince everyone, young and old.

    The IPPC are now so desperate that they are trying to rehabilitate Mann’s notorious Hockey Stick Graph. This was so thoroughly discredited that the alarmists were once desperately trying to distance themselves from it. This proved to be quite a task when they had been shoving it in everyone’s face for several years. Now however we are dusting it off and giving it another try in the hope that everyone has forgotten that it was garbage or that enough people are too young to remember.

  3. Don’t forget that you had Gove and some other retarded ministers giving her a standing ovation after she had finished lecturing them not that long ago. And now we have johnson’s wife.

    I mean, I know it’s ridiculous but the propaganda is in full swing nowadays. In France, every, and I mean every, advert has a link with climate change. It is properly crazy but seeing how they managed to whip up the frenzy over covid, I’m afraid it will get worse and I’m not sure it will get better.

    They’re extending the ulez in London. I thought we would just be on the outside but it looks like my old 635 will be banned in october unless I pay when I use it to commute to essex. Some goon from TFL even said that they were telling us in advance so we had time to get a cleaner car…. They can do what they want, they’re blatant about it and there is nothing that can be done, when even the courts are corrupt.

  4. Just don’t do business with anyone inside the London congestion zones. In no time at all the zones will become desolate impoverished crapholes. Problem solved, in more ways than one.

    • I don’t go into London (apart from the dentist) but I will have to pay just to get out of my drive…

      That said, there are many crapholes there now but it’s a good thing, it’s all that diversity.

  5. She, or the people who control her, only rant at the countries where politicians will listen to her. China and India are the biggest climate polluters in the world. Don’t they have embassies where she lives? Why is this antagonistic moron not protesting outside their gates? It may be that they won’t give a damn what she says, and neither should we.

  6. She was kinda a funny novelty for a while but now she’s just a whining minnie whose mention now evokes a similar response from me to hearing the opening chords of “Hey Jude” for the 10,568th time

    You’re now just a fucking bore, little child.

    • I never found her funny. She made my skin crawl from the moment she slithered out from under the rock where she had been hiding. Nauseating creature.

  7. I saw an XR poster in London yesterday that read ‘Act now because it’s too late’

    Surely if you believe it is too late to do anything then logically it’s pointless to do so?

  8. What we need in school is for Chemistry to teach about the element carbon and the carbon cycle in nature. And explain exactly what CO2 is, does, how essential it is for plants and that it is a very weak ‘greenhouse’ gas. Some facts and not fantasy.

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