This is Why…

We need an Ecksian purge. Those of you who follow Tim Worstall, will have come across the comically over the top purges recommended by regular commenter, Mr Ecks. However, comedy aside, there is an underlying point.

Sneering civil servants and public sector workers at a woke conference claimed middle-aged people ‘jump on clickbait’ news stories and lack the education to ‘unpick fascist ideas’, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

At least 300 employees have joined the UKGovcamp event forum to discuss issues relating to central and local government.

Civil servants are supposed to be impartial and steer away from party politics.

But in typed conference discussion notes, uncovered by the MoS, Left-wing staffers openly moaned about the Government, the ‘uneducated’ British public and apparent ‘rising fascism’ across the country.

These people are the deep state. They are the ones whispering their poison into politicians’ ears, they are the ones who despise England and the English. To them, I would be “far right” yet I am nothing of the sort. While civil servants are perfectly entitled to hold political opinions, those opinions have no place in their work as they are supposed to be neutral, yet here we are, with that neutrality stripped aside and their open hatred for the rest of us is on display.

Another discussion entitled ‘Resisting fascism – are you a check or a balance?’ saw staff complain that ‘rising fascism’ posed a threat with significant ‘challenges domestically and internationally’.

The only rising fascism is coming from the wokeish. They are projecting onto the rest of us.

The notes went on to claim, patronisingly, that ‘many people don’t have the educational background/ tools to unpick fascist messaging and ideas’.

Employees added that ‘it’s middle-aged people who jump on clickbait [online news stories] and hold more polarised views’ while ‘older people in authority with extreme views have a platform and are able to influence many more people’.

One worker commented: ‘First time I saw [Nigel] Farage given a platform on the BBC, I had a visceral feeling that something really ugly had been normalised and amplified.’

This sums up these arseholes perfectly. Nigel Farage is not far right. If you actually take the time to listen to what he says, he is someone who would have slotted comfortably into a Macmillan cabinet, not the third Reich. And the patronising junk about us being poorly educated is not something new, I’ve come across it every time I’ve engaged with one of these sneering, pompous slimeballs. It is because I have a decent education and am capable of critical thinking that I can see their poisonous Marxism for precisely what it is. I am perfectly capable of unpicking fascist messaging and ideas as I am doing now. I despise these people with every fibre of my being. They are the bad guys here, not the rest of us.

Another moaned that ‘the rise of the Far Right and being unable to voice my disagreements at what is happening in Western societies – it scares me, and makes me question whether I can continue to be a civil servant’.

Two words here: “Projection” and “Bye.”

The workers drew parallels to 1930s Germany and becoming ‘involuntary Nazis’, claiming that ‘when a system mutates so much, we have to redefine our parameters’.

More projection.

She appeared to complain during January’s conference that ‘there are less and less “safe” spaces for civil servants to voice their opinions’. (fewer and fewer. Have these people no education? – Ed)

Civil servants are perfectly able to voice their opinions – outside of work. At work, they do as they are told and shut up about it. None of them is being asked to do anything immoral or illegal, merely to do what has always been asked of them in their contracts of employment, to implement the policies of the government of the day. They aren’t required to like it and if they don’t, they can vote accordingly at the next election, just as the rest of us do. What they are complaining about is that they are not able to impose their wokish ideas on the rest of us with any great success – that is, too many of us have proved immune to the propaganda, which is a good thing.

So, yes, mass sackings is what should be happening right now.


  1. Sneering civil servants and public sector workers at a woke conference who lack the education to unpick Marxist ideas presumably.

  2. On what terms do they go to Conference?
    Full pay? Expenses? Travel? Accomodation?
    And who buggered up our education system, with the “All shall have prizes, speshully the deprived.” attitude.
    Fascism? Don’t they mean National Socialism?

    • There is a bit of Dunning Krueger about this in that people who have a degree think that this means that they are well educated. Since modern universities don’t even allow free exchange of ideas they are hardly going to be providing anyone with a broad knowledge base.

  3. Very, very good little essay. So very true. They should be sacked en mass after stupidly self-identifying themselves.

  4. Spot on. A nation’s civil service should be politically independent. If civil servants are attending ‘woke’ conferences, which are by their nature political, in work time, then they are not being politically impartial.

    If they are this openly partial to attend a conference like this then it makes me wonder what sort of advice is being given to Ministers? Ministers should be able to rely on impartial advice from civil servants but if the civil servants are politically biased and being so in work time, the how can we be sure that ministers are being advised properly and without bias?

  5. “how can we be sure that ministers are being advised properly and without bias?”
    See: wuflu panic propaganda

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