All Those Murdered Women

There’s been an awful lot of emoting about women being murdered by men following the sentencing of Wayne Couzens. Not least, given that there has been another woman murdered in recent days. I have no wish to detract from the tragedies of those incidents as both are desperately sad.

What pisses me off is the claims by the usual suspects – and social media is full of it – that women are being targeted. That women are being treated as less somehow. And that perfectly reasonable advice to be careful when out and about is only being applied to women and that society is misogynistic.

While the latest ONS statistics are a year out of date, a peek at those stats tells another story.

  • The homicide rate was 11.7 per million population, with the rate for males (17 per million population) almost three times that for females (6 per million population); this is a higher difference than previous years because of a 20% increase in the number of male victims, from 422 to 506, and a 16% decrease in the number of female victims, from 225 to 188.

That’s right – male victims are nearly three times those of female ones. I appreciate that every one of those deaths is a tragedy and that for those 188 female victims, there are grieving relatives and friends – but the reality is that men are far more likely to be murdered in the UK than women and the theme that this is a dangerous country for women is objectively false.

It’s also worth noting that the demographics tend towards young black men killed by knives, but people don’t want to know that – or at least admit it.


  1. ’ I appreciate that every one of those deaths is a tragedy…’ followed by ’… the demographics tend towards young black men killed by knives…’

    So tragedy, maybe. Maybe not. Certainly not an unforeseen one if you choose the thug life.

    • True. However, a number of those young men aren’t actively involved, but happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Damilola Taylor springs to mind. Violent thugs getting killed, I don’t care about.

      • Agree there LR. A lot of the victims are too often innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time and are killed because they are in the ‘wrong’ postcode or targeted for death because they related to/look like someone else or are killed because of some twisted initiation ritual by gangs.

  2. As if none of this savage knife or other weapon violence was predicted and warned about years ago, and since then must never be discussed.
    Luckily those who make the rules and decisions, and still do, for the rest of us are those most likely never to be in the wrong place or time to be victims themselves.

    • Maybe these are the ‘rivers of blood’ someone once so presciently foretold, only to be ‘cancelled’ from public life as a result.

  3. The media have a lot to answer for too. We haven’t seen a media storm, political virtue signalling and candlelit vigils, 188 times in the past year. The media pick the most emotive story and run with it. People get emotional about the murders they are told to get emotional about and no others

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