Ah, Here We Go…

I’ve come across some utter bollocks in my time, but this cack

It was conceived as an “essay in civilisation”, but some have argued that Harlow has on occasion fallen short of this lofty ambition. Now a new analysis heralds fresh woe for the Essex new town – designed in 1947 – by labelling it one of the places in England and Wales most “at risk” from the fallout of the pandemic, which could spill over into support for rightwing extremism.

There is no far right extremism. The protests against mass vaccination, lockdowns and mask wearing are by perfectly reasonable people who object to state overreach. This is not extremism. Indeed, the only extremism we see of late comes from the opposite side. We have seen the overton window slide steadily leftwards to the point where normal people are being labelled far right by the new Stalinists. See also, university professors being hounded out of their jobs because they dare to state that men are not women.

The far right are a tiny, insignificant minority of losers that you could probably count on your fingers and toes. The threat they pose is infinitesimal. However, if these evil people are being shaken by the rise of normal people standing up against their incessant propaganda, micromanaging and erosion of our liberties, that’s a good thing, not a bad one.

Of 336 councils, researchers identified 52 – including Harlow – where Covid is believed to have caused community tension and could inspire far-right activity.

That “could inspire” is doing some serious heavy lifting there. The translation is that they realise that folk might be seeing through the propaganda and thinking for themselves and deciding not to go along with it any more.

A report out on Monday from the Hope not Hate

Ah. Stopped reading right there. Hope not Hate is a far left activist hate group. Nothing they say should be listened to. No one is in any danger from the far right. This is the usual bullshit from this vile little group spreading its malicious hatred.

As you were.


  1. “The 52 areas have ‘less liberal’ attitudes towards migration and multiculturalism”

    Because they’ve seen the effects more than other areas?

  2. Those on the left seem to believe that we should all just accept what is happening and that we are wrong for feeling frustrated and angry that our country is being changed against our wishes (and for the worse)by immigration.

    In the same way those on the left believe that the Palestinians should just accept that the Israelis want to live there? (sarc off).

  3. Orwell (it’s becoming tedious to keep citing him, but they will keep following his predictions) would have recognised the “far right” as the modern-day Emmanuel Goldstein. Although he based Goldstein on Trotsky (who was, of course, denounced by the Soviets as a “rightist”), in the book there’s some doubt as to whether he really exists. But whether he does or not, he and his followers pose no serious threat to the IngSoc authorities. Much like the dreaded “far right“.

    It’s the age-old authoritarian playbook, older than the modern Left, older than Orwell, older than the Nazis, the Soviets, the French Revolutionaries…
    Invent a bogeyman, get the public to fear him (it helps if they already do), then associate any opposition with him. Even the “real far-right” isn’t really “far-right”: they’re republican managerial redistributionists to a man. They’re “right-wing” in the same way Trotsky was.

    The modern mainstream is using the Soviet Union’s bogeyman. And its standard of morality: “political correctness”. And you thought we won the Cold War.

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