Well, Yes

What do you expect?

“Our planet is changing before our eyes,” warned the UN’s general secretary on the opening day of COP26 stating how the findings of a new landmark report must be a turning point for humanity.

Climate changes. It has always changed. It will continue to change. Only a fool thinks that it can be stopped or should even want to stop it. Currently, in Glasgow, we have a ship of fools – both inside and protesting outside.

The past seven years are set to be the warmest on record…

Those records being a tiny fraction of the Earth’s existence. It has been significantly warmer and, indeed, colder outside of that period. There have been mass extinction events and all without any human involvement. What we are seeing in Glasgow at the moment is a cult.

I will grant them this, though, despite fifty years of failure, they have a level of optimism that keeps them going.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said this latest evidence – one of the flagship scientific reports which will inform negotiations at Cop26 – shows “how our planet is changing before our eyes.”

”From the ocean depths to mountain tops, from melting glaciers to relentless extreme weather events, ecosystems and communities around the globe are being devastated. COP26 must be a turning point for people and planet,” he added.


Flash! We have fifteen minutes to save the Earth!

Well, it’s about as accurate.


      • I particularly liked the bit about Saint Francis. These people have no intention of giving up their lavish lifestyles in order to save the planet, only the likes of you and me are expected to do that.

    • If the queen is not up to it can Neil Oliver do the Christmas speech this year in her place it’ll certainly shake things up a bit

    • I really remember 1953. Crouching by a fire with wind bowling in chimney while not far away a ferry sank.I was also living in a tenement in Glasgow in January 1968 while outside the wind howled and homes collapsed.
      On the brighter side, in the 1950 s I would spend hours immersed in a Scottish sea loch wearing only a cossie. And run barefoot along streets too hot to stand still on – in Scotland – to get home and he butter applied to get the melted road far off my feet.
      While up the coast a bit potatoes grew on sandy soil which not long before was under the sea.
      No, I do not believe this Global Warming shite.
      And neither does any AGW campaigner who buys a multi million dollar beach front home.
      End of rant.

  1. What none of the doomsters can explain is how the various ice ages came and went before Mankind was even a glint in evolutions eye. I really believe that the Global warming/Climate change advocates are the same type of gullible/devious fools who peddled apocalyptic religion centuries ago. Hellfire and Damnation can give you a very lucrative career.

  2. I have a book about The Little Ice Age. The stuff about advancing glaciers and really destructive storms is pretty frightening. Famines caused by crop failures was another issue. It was only spoiled by the last chapter being standard global warming boilerplate. After doing the research needed to write the book, I would have expected the author to know better.

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