1. Nothing to do with world hunger, it’s to do with how to keep one in the manner one is accustomed.

    Like every other single issue bureaucracy or “non-profit”. If they were to resolve the “ishues” they’re allegedly fighting, where would their next paycheck come from!?!

  2. USA funds UN to tune of $11 billion a year. Problem solved – shut down UN, put $11 bill into world hunger = many solved problems

  3. The problem with government funded organisations that don’t need to produce anything useful to stay in existence, ignorant innumerate imbeciles can work their way into positions of power and influence.

  4. I remember that when I was about age 5 or 6 (I’m now 67) that my parents contributed every week to Tenovus Cancer for cancer research – and bear in mind that we were poor and the money that was contributed was a genuine sacrifice.

    60 Years later, cancer has not been conquered but Tenovus still exists with a fancy website:


    If cancer was cured, then those people would have no purpose and/or job …

    Makes you wonder, eh?

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