The Media is the Enemy

So some footballer’s wife has dared to share an ‘anti-vax’ post. Ooer.

The wife of England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford has sparked controversy after sharing a message in support of anti-vax protestors.

Bear in mind that ‘anti-vax’ no longer means what you would expect it to mean. These days, ‘anti-vax’ means anyone who dares to question the government’s approach to coercing people to take an experimental vaccine for a disease that it highly unlikely to do them lasting harm, let alone kill them. Indeed, ‘anti-vax’ is a euphemism for dissent, regardless of whether you have taken this vaccine or not. You only have to disagree with the vaccine passport idea or decide that two jabs are enough to qualify for the dark side.

Megan Davison, who met Everton ace Pickford while they were both teenagers, shared a photo from the so-called Freedom March that sparked chaotic scenes across central London on December 18.

The demonstration, declared a ‘major incident’ by London mayor Sadiq Khan, was attended by thousands of anti-vaxxers after further restrictions were put in place to slow the spread of new coronavirus variant Omicron.

This would be the peaceful protest that was barely mentioned in the media because it dared to go against the narrative. And, like all similar protests went off peacefully as people exercised their right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom to protest. Which, in a liberal democracy should be an unremarkable event – not a major incident, which tells us all we need to know about the totalitarian Khan. How did an evil creature like this ever get into such a position of power and authority? And why do people vote for this man? Why?

Davison, 25, appeared to show a degree of empathy for the mob by sharing a photo of one protestor holding a placard emblazoned with the message: ‘Even if you’re not conspiracy minded, something in your soul has to say…something is wrong.’

Oh, yes, how dare she show empathy for people protesting a draconian and illiberal move by government. How dare she. Meanwhile last year we had mostly peaceful riots by the BLM crowd, who were, actually a mob, who went about rampaging through our streets causing actual harm to people and property. But that was all okay, you can show as much empathy for those nasty fuckers as you like and no one will bat an eyelid. People are no longer allowed their own, free thinking opinions. It’s agree with the orthodoxy or get vilified in the press. See also, J K Rowling…

They aren’t even trying to hide their fascism now, are they?

Taking to Instagram in December, beautician Olivia Naylor wrote: ‘Do not get a vaccine so you can travel because that ski trip means nothing and your human rights mean everything.

‘Even if you are vaccinated, say no to proving it. It’s a severe breach of human rights.’

Sounds fair to me. How long before she gets cancelled or her boyfriend is put under pressure to do something about it?

Once again, we can see just how evil the media is. Journalists should be fighting for truth, holding power to account. Instead they are an unofficial arm of an increasingly illiberal government. Journalists are enablers of this creeping authoritarianism and dogmatic orthodoxy. They are a combination of the ignorant, the stupid, feeble-minded and downright vile.


  1. “Whether you have taken this vaccine or not”

    And bear in mind that you’ll be recorded as “Unvaccinated” unless you’ve had ALL the jabs and booster shots. Even then you won’t be classed as “Fully Vaccinated” for a further two weeks…

  2. “…And why do people vote for this man? Why?..”

    For the same reason people vote for Lammy, and Abbot. They’re voting for a skin hue.

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