That’s A New One


Beware ‘The Policy’! Coronaphobic Oprah’s strict holiday Covid rules forces all visitors to be vaccinated, boosted, tested AND quarantined – and even BFF Gayle King fell foul and missed her own grandson’s celebration

Okay, the likelihood of me ever being invited to one of these things is much the same as me following in Neil Armstrong’s footsteps and even if I was, I’d decline because Oprah is one of the most unpleasant people on the planet and I have no desire to socialise with her. However, the level of insanity on display is a triumph for the behavioural psychologists worldwide who have made people so insanely afraid of this relatively mild virus. And, yes, it is relatively mild. It is, like flu, lethal to a small minority of people who are particularly susceptible – the elderly with end of life illness and younger people who have some sort of co morbidity or underlying health issue. For the 99% who got it and didn’t die and the vast majority who didn’t need hospitalisation, it was an inconvenience in the same way that flu is.

Yet we have this soap Oprah from people like this, imposing absurd rules for attendance at a social gathering. Massively over the top rule making that is so absurd, it belongs beyond the looking glass. In a small way, I was involved in one of these. One of my sisters tried to insist upon testing before attending a family event that she was hosting – because a day or so previously, the headlines were screaming about the new variant Omicron. Most of us refused, so the whole thing fell apart. I’m not sure how this bodes for the future. But I don’t really blame her for falling for the scaremongering (well, I do a bit) but I do very much blame the cynical manipulation of the behavioural phycologists and media who have submitted us to two years of gaslighting and therefore created this sense of fear. They should all be hanged, drawn and quartered and their heads placed on spikes across London Bridge. Instead, that charlatan Half-Whitty is going to be knighted. Just as well I’m not Queenie, or the sword would slip.

Coronaphobia is an entirely man made ailment. Some would say so is covid, but I couldn’t possibly comment.


  1. Good word, coronaphobia. The trouble is that the -phobia suffix has been so overused that its original sense of irrational terror has almost been lost. It’ll be taken as just another insult, rather than the accurate description of psychological disorder that it is.

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