A group of more than 100 billionaires and millionaires have issued a plea to pay more tax in an open letter.
The letter, penned by the Patriotic Millionaires and circulated by groups including Millionaires for Humanity, Tax me Now, and Oxfam, was addressed to the World Economic Forum’s online Davos meeting.
Signatories including Disney heiress Abigail Disney, who has a reported net worth of £88million said the current tax system is unfair and ‘deliberately designed to make the rich richer’.
How many of them have actually done so? You know, sent a cheque to the relevant tax authority?
Nah… Didn’t think so. This is vacuous virtue signalling, nothing more.
Interestingly enough, the comments are all saying the same… What’s stopping you?
We all know the subtext here: ‘YOU should pay more tax, while WE employ an army of accountants to bend the tax laws unto straining point.’
It’s barely even a subtext. There’s nothing stopping them from paying as much to the taxman as they wish. If they want the law changed, they want to force other people to pay more. There can be no other reason.
If you have more money than you know what to do with then spend it directly on causes that you believe in. The most futile and wasteful thing that you can possibly do is to give it to the government. Also, how does taxation make anyone richer? It can only make people poorer surely.
They never specify what services it is that the government cannot afford.
But then their argument would fall down.
Oh, we need a programme to help the poor with their energy bills for example – well give your money to a charity that does exactly that, or set one up.
They never explain why running it through government will deliver better outcomes.
If you are in any doubt as to where the money should ideally go, send it to the NHS. They seem to know how to piss £billions up the wall better than any other department
Any financial gains garnered by any government will always be pissed up the wall in support of some hare-brained scheme designed to garner more votes.
That is the only aim of any government, to stay in power.
Aside from all the grandstanding, I am certain that if any of these wealthy types sent a cheque to HMRC donating a chunk of their wealth for the good of the nation, that HMRC would both cash the cheque and send them a letter of thanks.
If the amount was large enough they might even get a letter signed personally by Rishi Sunak
Several “clever” comments crossed my mind, but I can’t improve on “Idiots.”
Just posted this in the ASI.
I have a novel idea (Please let me know if someone has already suggested it though).
I earn £ X on which HMG says I owe £ Y in tax.
Now, instead of HMG stealing that cash and spunking it on MP’s pet projects, I have to forfeit that money but I get to choose where my tax money goes.
£100 for the donkey sanctuary? OK.
£100 for the Nigerian Spice Girls? No way etc. etc.