Yeah, Right

Gaslighting arsehole doesn’t like it now that the restrictions are being lifted.

No10 is ‘abdicating’ its responsibility for looking after the public by dropping the final Covid rules, a Government adviser claimed today — barely hours before the plans were set to be revealed.

Professor Robert West, a psychologist and member of a SAGE sub-committee who also criticised lifting restrictions last summer, said plans to live with Covid like the flu were ‘irresponsible’.

This man is a psychologist. Ergo, he has no relevant qualifications or specialist knowledge in order to make such decisions. In fact, he is no more qualified than you or I in this matter. No one should pay any attention to him. Certainly no responsible government should take any notice of his drivel. The evidence tells us the precise opposite, yet this man is still trying to gaslight us. Which is what these psychologists do. It didn’t work on me, but an awful lot of people did fall for it and are still scared and it is scum like this who are responsible for this state of affairs. So, whatever my criticisms of Boris Johnson, he gets the thumbs up on this one.

He argued the move meant that Boris Johnson and senior ministers would ‘accept’ between 20,000 and 80,000 virus deaths every year.

For fuck’s sake. People die. These figures are pretty much what we would expect every winter. When this charlatan has invented the elixir of eternal life, then he can come back to us, but as it is, people die. It’s what happens when we grow old. So, yes, the government should accept that people will die in these numbers every winter. Also, this comes from an organisation that has been consistently wrong in its predictions.

For comparison, flu kills in the region of 20,000 people in a bad winter.

A bad winter can easily see significantly more than that – 2014/15, for example was closer to 30,000. So what we have is West pulling figures out of the same orifice that Ferguson uses.

Professor West, from University College London, said there are a ‘large number of deaths’ from heart disease and cancer but we don’t just say: ‘Well, we’ve got to live with it.’

‘We do an awful lot with heart disease and cancer and other forms of deaths to try to prevent them and to treat them,’ the SPI-B panelist added. ‘So it seems a little odd really to be saying “Well, Covid, we’re going to treat that differently. We’re not going to try and prevent it”.’

We don’t lock down those who are not ill though, do we? This is a false comparison and typical of the doublespeak we’ve come to expect from these gaslighting bastards.

Why are people still listening to these snake oil salesmen?


  1. Just an observation. It seems many people go into psychiatry to, hopefully, discover what is wrong with themselves

    • He is a psychologist not a psychiatrist. Psychologists are people who want to be psychiatrists, but lack the intellectual ability. That is why they reduce diagnosis to ticking boxes.

  2. “For comparison, flu kills in the region of 20,000 people in a bad winter.”

    And we vaccinate ourselves if we wish to and otherwise don’t worry about it unless a family member dies, or we hear of our local hospital not being able to cope.

    Rather than abdicating its responsibility the Government is making a decision which balances earlier deaths than usual against keeping the economy going for millions of other people. Unless Professor Robert West would be willing to accept a pay cut to fund running the depressed economy, no?

  3. Methinks Prof West realises the game is up – his time in the spotlight is coming to an end. He wants it to continue for his own self esteem. Shame that when the reckoning comes having “been a member of Sage” on your CV will be the kiss of death to your career.

  4. You would think that after two years of being wrong about everything all of the time these people would have the sense to STFU.

    Should I be concerned that my phone’s predictive text feature wrote the majority of that last sentence for me?

    • The problem is, these people make a prediction of wildly exaggerated numbers and recommend a freedom crushing course of action.
      Our spineless politicos respond by following all the worst edicts, partially because they fear the bad headlines if they don’t and partially because the thought of all the power gives them a chubby.
      Then the worst predictions fail to come true, because they never were going to anyway, but the slimy predictors take credit.
      “See, it would have been much worse if we hadn’t locked down.” Etc

    • If you think its only been for the last 2 years, you cannot know the full track record of Neil Furguson. It dates back (as far as I can find but maybe further) to foot and mouth in 2001. Since then he’s made equally wild predictions of doom on SARS, MERS, Bird Flu and Swine Flu.

      If you haven’t seen it, and you have the time, this 2015 documentary, produced by UK Column about the foot and mouth is very interesting.

        • Yes, if I remember correctly, wasn’t CJD his spinoff from the foot/mouth? At the time I think there were two reports of it on TV then the papers were full of it. Because by then the nation had got wise to foot/mouth being a big scam, foot/mouth was over, Blair pulled the plug because there was an election (do you remember how quickly it ended?) and this was Ferguson’s way of finding a “new variant”.

  5. Between “20000 and 80000”? Notwithstanding the “plucked out of thin air” quality of these numbers, it is rather tame compared to between 200000 and 500000 early deaths because of people like him. Some bastards are in prison because of much less, so why is this guy still allowed outside?

  6. We, the people, the individual men and women of this country, abrogated our responsibilities the day we let the government impose all this bullshit on us in the first place.

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