It Disney Make Sense

Time for Walt’s creation to be pensioned off, I think.

A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year.

In how to piss off 99% of your target audience. These people make up a tiny minority of the population, so the occasional one here and there is one thing, but half? Seriously.

On a related topic, I made the mistake of tuning into to a new comedy, The Witchfinder. It seems that England in 1645 was full of black people. It’s a pity that they have to shove their diversity bullshit in our faces, because the concept is an interesting one for comedy and the writing is mildly amusing, but the constant stream of black faces is jarring because it is historically inaccurate. East Anglia in the middle of the English Civil war was not full of black people and their colour blind casting is so blatantly hypocritical that this, too, intrudes into the programme. It grates in the same way as a Bell helicopter in Where Eagles Dare did the first time I saw it. You forget the narrative of the story because the suspension of disbelief has been shattered.

General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive, as she vowed that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups.

Thereby making them over represented. What a cretin.

Meanwhile, Disney’s diversity and inclusion chief Vivain said that they no longer address theme park visitors as ‘ladies and gentleman, boys and girls’ but instead as ‘dreamers’ and ‘friends’.

I’ve never wanted to go there, but if it is possible to not want to go there even more, then that pretty much sums up how I feel.

‘I’m here as the mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader,’ she said.

Right. So she is projecting her own dysfunctional family onto the rest of us. And there is no such thing as pansexual – it’s another of these made-up bullshit categories that means nothing other than ‘will shag anything that moves.’

Meanwhile I suspect that Disney has some real problems


  1. Went to Disney World, Florida, as the last family holiday before our lads went their own way. It was very enjoyable and plenty to see. Recommended.

    But a key element of the experience is the suspense of disbelief. Elephants can fly, magic works etc., but you know you can leave when you have had enough. A confected surfeit of LGBTQIA and racial minorities might damage the ability to suspend disbelief… I wonder if visitor numbers will fall enough to worry the accountants?

  2. This Karey Burke nails her “woke” credentials to the mast. But as others have pointed out – how will this play in the Chinese market? Disney routinely grovels to the Chinese. So this probably won’t happen, or, if it does, they will have to distribute different versions of their movies in the far east.

    The hypocrisy and virtue signalling of “hollywood” in general is beginning to alienate normal people. I sincerely hope it screws up their bottom line…it may slow the pace of the slide into degeneracy that these “special” people so obviously wish for.

  3. I turn off any programme when ethnic or other minorities are slotted in at a time when it was very rare outside big cities. It makes the whole show inauthentic. I visited Disney land in California in .1980 and loved it. Paid for my grandkids to go to Florida three years ago but if that’s the way it’s going never again. Remakes are the worst for ruining good programmes set in small England towns in the 50s and 60s . I gave up and don’t watch them now.

  4. “It grates in the same way as a Bell helicopter in Where Eagles Dare did the first time I saw it.”

    There was also The Great Escape where Steve McQueen knocked a German despatch rider off his post war Triumph. Also I believe that the owners of Bell Helicopters used to like to race motorcycles a bit.

  5. All that remains is have a sweepstake on when this smug media behemoth will go tits up, assuming it has not transitioned and had it’s tits removed.

  6. The Witchfinder & Blacks

    Given it was BBC did you not expect that? Never occurred to me to watch it. Calling it comedy is disingenuos

    Disney: as you say, digging their own grave. At least Russians won’t have to watch. Doubt China will want them either

    “It grates in the same way as a Bell helicopter in Where Eagles Dare did the first time I saw it. You forget the narrative of the story because the suspension of disbelief has been shattered”

    Yes in spades. Similar happens in far to many Dramas too
    Here’s one:
    Silent Witness – murderer pursuing victim at night, through forest, wearing an old style welding mask
    Another: Every episode of ITV’s Trigger Point

    “The hypocrisy and virtue signalling of “hollywood” in general is beginning to alienate normal people”

    The speed the latest Bond movie went to DVD this year reflects, no matter what msm say, it bombed in cinemas

  7. As for how this affects Chinese audiences for Disney’s products, I’m assuming that the Chinese dubing/subtitles will remove all the LGBTQ+ references in the audio (rendering all of those LGBTQ+ characters instantly straight to the appearance of Chinese audiences) and anything overt like homosexual characters showing kissing, etc. would simply be cut entirely.

    As for the diversity angle, the Chinese don’t seem to want to see African-Americans in their movies, so no doubt representations of diversity will be in the form of various shades of coffee coloured females rather than actual Africans (American or otherwise).

    Thus through ignorance and sleight of hand will diversity and LGBTQ+ representation be delivered without substantially affecting Disney’s profits from the Chinese Box Office.

  8. Can diversity casting be made to work against the Wokerati?

    With a very straight face, say “England in the was very diverse and inclusive, just look at “.

  9. Every human organisation in history becomes corrupt after three generations (or 75 years)
    No way back for Disney now

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